

In the vast and diverse realm of Shengdao, the Shiji-Long, often referred to as the common variant, are the embodiment of adaptability. They are the most prevalent sentient beings in this land, and their characteristics vary widely, mirroring the rich mosaic of ecosystems that encompass the continent, but follow certain design aspects. Shiji-Long have both anthropomorphic and feral forms and can freely switch between them, with their feral form enabling them to fly.

These dragons exhibit an astonishing array of colors. Whether it's the deep greens of lush forests, earthy browns found in arid deserts, or fiery reds that evoke the essence of volcanic regions, their colours create a stunning visual diversity.

Some Shiji-Long boast short, weather-resistant coats, providing protection from the elements. Others, in a display of elegance, possess long, flowing hair and majestic manes that ripple gracefully in the wind, adding a touch of regality to their appearance.

While most have long, serpentine tails that enhance their balance and agility, a charming subset of Shiji-Long possesses small, fluffy tails, endearing features that set them apart and accentuate their unique personalities.

Ears among the Shiji-Long are diverse, ranging from sharp, pointed ears reminiscent of predatory animals to more rounded, gentle ear shapes akin to herbivores. These ear variations can reflect their ecological niches but do not have to.

Horns adorn the tops of their heads, adding to their majestic appearance. These horns come in various shapes and sizes, further enhancing the diversity of their physical characteristics. Some dragons possess long, spiraling horns that convey a sense of age and wisdom, while others bear shorter, more robust horns that hint at their strength and agility. Very rarely Shiji-Long do not possess horns.

One of the features of the Shiji-Long is the diversity in their pupils, which resemble those of various animals. Most have vertically slitted pupils, akin to predators.

What sets the Shiji-Long apart from the other species of Shengdao is their unique life cycle. They live for approximately 200 years, and when their time comes, they undergo a remarkable transformation. They are reborn in an egg, beginning a new cycle of life. This process repeats itself until they either succumb to injury or illness, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and experiences that continue to shape their communities for generations.

The Shiji-Long are inherently social beings, forming close-knit clans, families and communities around the guidance of their Elders. These clans, often organized by specific regions or shared interests, function as extended families where members support one another through thick and thin, celebrating successes and providing a safety net in times of need. While each clan may have its unique traditions and customs, an overarching sense of unity and kinship unites the entire Shiji-Long population. There still are lone wolves, roaming the land and living by themselves; Shiji-Long who do not need a family or clan to thrive.

Elders play a pivotal role in Shiji-Long society, commanding profound respect. These Elders are powerful dragons, the ancestors of the Shiji-Long. Their wisdom and experiences serve as a guiding beacon for younger generations, helping them navigate decision-making, conflict resolution, and the preservation of cultural traditions. Elders frequently hold leadership positions within clans and communities, their decisions shaping the direction and values of their groups. Their leadership is marked by a deep respect for tradition, tempered by a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

Shiji-Long communities often create specific jobs and roles, contributing to the overall well-being of the city, especially Tianshu, the capital. Some clans specialize in agriculture, meticulously tending to the land and cultivating crops to sustain their communities. Others excel in craftsmanship, creating intricate works of art and practical tools that enrich their lives. These specializations not only ensure their people's survival but also showcase the diverse talents within their society.

Cooperation among different clans is common, particularly during times of scarcity or when faced with environmental challenges. This spirit of collaboration underscores their commitment to collective well-being.


The Maozhi-Long are a feline species known for their distinctive features and unique characteristics. They inhabit the desert and volcanic regions of Shengdao.

The Maozhi-Long possess a generous amount of fur, which serves as protection against the harsh desert and volcanic climate. Their lynx-like cheek fur adds to their charming appearance, while a mane collar around their necks gives them an elegant and regal look. One of their most striking features is their super long tails, which have curtains of fur hanging from their base, providing them with additional protection from the elements.

Sexual dimorphism is prevalent among the Maozhi-Long. The males are larger and stronger than the females, displaying a more vibrant and colorful coloration. They have elaborate markings such as spots, stripes, or rosettes, further enhancing their majestic appearance. Additionally, the males have larger tusks, adding to their imposing presence.

On the other hand, the females are more agile and have brighter or lighter fur colors, blending well with their desert surroundings. They play a vital role in leading their families and choosing mates based on their preferred colors and strength.

The Maozhi-Long have a strong sense of community and live in larger groups with fixed laws and regulations. They form families where parents take care of raising their children, emphasizing the importance of familial bonds. These communities provide stability and support for their members.

The species has developed unique adaptations to thrive in their environment. Their fur produces a specific oil that helps them withstand the heat and fire. This heat resistance allows them to engage in various activities such as working as blacksmiths and miners in volcanic areas. They are renowned for their craftsmanship and durability, excelling in the creation of weapons and armor. The Maozhi-Long's affinity for everything shiny leads them to haggle prices in order to acquire more gems and coins, enhancing their reputation as skilled merchants.

Overall, the Maozhi-Long are an extraordinary feline species with a striking appearance, strong familial bonds, and exceptional adaptability.


The Baoshi-Long, cousins of the croomar, are a magnificent and awe-inspiring species of dragons. They possess hardened scales that provide exceptional protection, while their wings enable them to soar through the skies with unparalleled grace and agility. These dragons are aptly named gem dragons due to their remarkable ability to develop gem structures on their skin as they age.

From the moment they hatch, gem dragons possess a lustrous and iridescent appearance, akin to precious gemstones. However, as they grow older and accumulate experiences and wisdom, their scales begin to undergo a fascinating transformation. Tiny crystals gradually emerge on their skin, initially resembling small fragments of gemstones. Over time, these crystals grow and develop into intricate and elaborate structures, becoming increasingly substantial as the dragon ages. The longer a Baoshi-Long lives, the more prominent and grandiose these crystal formations become. The crystals can manifest in a myriad of colors and gem types, ranging from vibrant emeralds and sapphires to radiant diamonds and amethysts. This unique feature grants gem dragons an ethereal and enchanting aura, making them one of the most visually captivating dragon species.

Gem dragons are known for their sophistication and elegance. They possess a keen intellect and exhibit a refined demeanor in their actions and interactions. They are highly perceptive creatures and often tend to look down on their more primal cousins.

In terms of flight, their streamlined bodies and powerful wings allow them to achieve remarkable speeds and maneuverability in the air. They can effortlessly perform intricate aerial acrobatics and swift turns, making them true masters of flight. Gem dragons are known to engage in graceful displays while flying, showcasing their elegance and agility to onlookers.

Despite their impressive physical abilities, gem dragons are generally peaceful creatures. They prefer to avoid conflict and rather focus their attention on other things. They also possess a strong sense of honor and value for laws and rules. They are creatures of order and structure, and they believe in upholding justice and maintaining a harmonious society.

One remarkable aspect of these gem dragons is their love for fancy clothing. They have a natural inclination for aesthetics and take great pleasure in adorning themselves with exquisite garments. Their clothing often incorporates their unique gem structures, woven into the fabric with great care and craftsmanship. The gems they use range from small, delicate accents to larger, more elaborate arrangements, creating stunning and eye-catching ensembles. They have established a reputation as skilled artisans and entrepreneurs, offering their creations to other creatures in exchange for goods or services. These clothing pieces are highly sought after for their exquisite beauty. The Baoshi-Long's clothing industry has become renowned throughout Shengdao, attracting individuals from far and wide who wish to acquire a piece of their exceptional craftsmanship.


The Moomzhi, a feline species closely related to the Minxen, inhabit the rugged mountainous region of Shengdao. These wild cousins of the Minxen possess a distinct and untamed nature, setting them apart from their more domesticated relatives. Though they display a tribal-like behavior, the Moomzhi are far from aggressive, preferring a harmonious coexistence with their surroundings.

One notable physical characteristic of the Moomzhi is their larger front paws, which enable them to navigate the steep terrain of their mountainous habitat with agility and grace. Their unruly fur, compared to the sleek coats of the Minxen, adds to their robust appearance. This thick, weather-resistant fur protects them from the harsh elements they often encounter in the high-altitude regions they call home.


The Moomzhi primarily engage in farming, cultivating crops such as rice and other staples of the region. They have developed an intimate understanding of the land, working in harmony with nature to sustain their tribes. These feline farmers have honed their agricultural skills over generations, passing down their knowledge and techniques to ensure the prosperity of their community.

The Moomzhi can also be found inhabiting the southern areas of Shengdao, where sprawling plains and fertile grasslands dominate the landscape.The tribes there have adapted to the different environment and developed their own unique customs and practices.

Living in these vast southern plains, the Moomzhi tribes embrace a more nomadic way of life. They traverse the grassy expanses, following the seasonal patterns of the land and the herds of animals that provide sustenance. These tribes have learned to work in harmony with nature, relying on the bountiful resources of the plains for their survival.


The Moomzhi tribes living in the southern plains tend to maintain a considerable distance from the bustling big cities that dot the landscape. While they may occasionally trade or interact with nearby settlements and cities, the southern Moomzhi tribes value their autonomy and choose to live according to their own customs and traditions.


The Minxen, a cousin species to the Moomzhi with a strikingly different lifestyle and appearance. Resembling petite domestic cats, the Minxen captivate observers with their enchanting features. Their most distinctive trait is the straight hair that adorns their heads, giving them a sleek and polished appearance reminiscent of various feline breeds.

While the Moomzhi prioritize work and a harmonious connection with nature, the Minxen possess a contrasting disposition. They are known for their indulgent nature and their unwavering attraction to jewelry and riches. These refined felines have a penchant for the finer things in life, and they are often found in the company of affluent individuals who can provide them with a life of luxury.

One of the most striking features of the Minxen is their long, elegantly braided tail. The tail is adorned with intricately wrapped hair, forming a braid-like pattern. To further accentuate their beauty, the Minxen often adorn their tails with decorative bands or jewelry, enhancing their allure and leaving onlookers in awe.

For generations, the mesmerizing beauty of the Minxen has captivated the hearts of those who encounter them. Their petite stature, coupled with their distinct grooming and regal demeanor, has made them highly sought-after companions among the elite and those who appreciate the exquisite elegance they exude.

Unlike their hardworking Moomzhi relatives, the Minxen have little interest in labor or agricultural pursuits. Instead, they revel in a life of leisure and luxury, basking in the adoration and pampering of their companions.



Deep within the vibrant world of Shengdao resides a remarkable feline species known as Yumaoshou. These elegant creatures possess a unique combination of features that set them apart from their feline counterparts. With their striking appearance and intellectual pursuits, the Yumaoshou have become a captivating addition to the tapestry of Shengdao's diverse fauna.

The Yumaoshou boast the graceful form of felines, their lithe bodies flowing with sleek lines and muscular grace. However, what truly distinguishes them is the splendid feathery mantle adorning their shoulders. Resembling a regal cape, this mantle adds an air of distinction and elegance to their already captivating presence.

Equipped with two pairs of arms attached to their torso, the Yumaoshou possess remarkable dexterity and versatility. These additional limbs allow them to engage in a wide array of tasks and activities, enabling them to navigate the complex world of Shengdao with remarkable grace and efficiency.

While the Yumaoshou may lack a specific regional habitat in Shengdao, they predominantly inhabit the bustling cities. Here, amid the vibrant urban landscape, they immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of life, their presence marked by their distinct attire. Adorned in exquisite, expensive gowns, the Yumaoshou embody a sense of aristocracy and sophistication.

Despite their air of arrogance, the Yumaoshou possess an insatiable thirst for knowledge and wisdom. They can often be found frequenting the libraries, dedicating themselves to preserving the rich history and lore of Shengdao. These scholarly felines play a vital role in the dissemination of knowledge, assisting the esteemed elder Zhishi in recording and chronicling the intricate tales that shape their world.



The Niaolong are a magnificent species of bird-dragons, renowned for their agility and unique physical features. These enchanting creatures possess a captivating blend of feathers and scales adorning their body, creating a striking visual appearance. Unlike traditional birds, the Niaolong lack wings, but their adeptness on two legs compensates for their aerial limitations.

A distinguishing characteristic of the Niaolong is their long, sharp claws and a formidable, hard beak, which they utilize for various purposes such as hunting, defense, and intricate craftsmanship. However, it is their extraordinarily long and movable ears that truly set them apart. These remarkable appendages enable them to detect even the slightest sounds and vibrations, granting them exceptional awareness of their surroundings.

Adorning the Niaolong's head are longer, softer feathers that bear a striking resemblance to hair. These unique plumes are prized among the Niaolong and are often groomed and stylized as a symbol of individuality and beauty. The feathered "hair" enhances their aesthetic appeal, further distinguishing them from other avian or draconic species.

While their vocal cords are not particularly suited for conventional speech, the Niaolong possess a remarkable talent for singing. Their vocalizations are melodic and harmonious, making their songs truly divine. However, mastering the art of fluent speech requires extensive practice for the Niaolong, often resulting in their spoken words resembling melodious chirps. Each Niaolong possesses a personal song that only they sing, adding to the uniqueness of their individuality and cultural identity.

The Niaolong thrive in mountainous regions, preferring the lofty heights as their natural habitat. They construct their cities above the clouds, embracing the warmth and radiance of the sun. Their settlements are architectural marvels, blending harmoniously with the rugged landscape and featuring intricate designs adorned by every Niaolong’s feathers.

Jewelry holds a special significance within Niaolong society and is regarded as a symbol of honor and prestige. Adornments such as intricately crafted necklaces, bracelets, and crowns are worn proudly, reflecting an individual's accomplishments and social standing. The Niaolong consider jewelry as both a testament to their craftsmanship and a means of expressing their cultural heritage.

The Niaolong society is led by a matriarch known as Héxié. Revered and respected, Héxié plays a vital role in guiding the community's affairs, maintaining harmony within their city-states, and safeguarding their cultural traditions.


In the mystical realm of Shengdao, the Yishalong Species stands out as majestic and formidable beings, embodying the perfect fusion of dragon-like might and shark-like toughness. With their hardened fins, powerful tails, and resilient skin, they command both the depths of water and the challenges of the land with unwavering strength.These formidable beings are adorned with a thick layer of scales that shimmer and glimmer under the sun, serving as perfect protection and irresistible beauty accent.

The Yishalongs boast an array of hardened fins that stretch across their bodies, acting as both armor and propulsion systems. These unique adaptations allow them to effortlessly maneuver through water, utilizing their powerful tails as both propellers and weapons when facing enemies. Their fangs and claws, sharp and hard, further accentuate their predatory prowess, making them feared hunters within their domain.

Although the Yishalongs are primarily aquatic creatures, their exceptional physiology enables them to venture onto land and endure various climates with relative ease. Their tough and rugged skin acts as a natural barrier against extreme temperatures, protecting them from both scorching heat and freezing cold. This remarkable adaptation allows them to traverse diverse environments, establishing their dominance and expanding their territories beyond the confines of water.

One distinguishing aspect of the Yishalong Species is their societal structure, led by a matriarchal system. Most Yishalongs are female, while males are rare and hold a unique significance within their communities. The matriarch, revered for her wisdom and strength, governs the species with a delicate balance of authority and nurturing guidance. The matriarch is the only Yishalong who is growing hundreds of years old. She chooses her successor based on successful hunts and achievements.

The Yishalongs are known for their inherent pride, their achievements serving as badges of honor. Tattoos play a significant role in their culture, representing triumphs and notable accomplishments. Each inked symbol tells a story of a successful hunt, a territory secured, or a courageous encounter overcome. These tattoos, proudly displayed on their scales, serve as a visual testament to the individual's prowess and contribute to the collective pride of the species.

Unlike some of the more sociable species that thrive on communal interaction, the Yishalongs prefer to keep to themselves, maintaining a certain distance from other species that inhabit Shengdao. They find solace and strength in their self-sufficiency, relying on their own power and the wisdom passed down through generations to navigate the challenges of their existence. While they acknowledge the presence of other species on Shengdao and even occasionally trade goods, the Yishalongs tend to maintain a respectful distance, rarely seeking or forming deep connections with them. They prefer to observe from afar, reserving their interactions for moments of necessity or when their territorial boundaries are encroached upon.

Cai Yuan Long

These harpy-like creatures possess an awe-inspiring beauty. With their distinctive features, they stand as one of the most striking beings in the avian kingdom.

Cai Yuan Long boasts an impressive wingspan, adorned with not two, but four wings. Each wing is adorned with a splendid array of birdlike feathers, resembling the vibrant plumes of a phoenix. These feathers are not just an aesthetic marvel; they serve as both insulation and maneuvering tools, enabling them to navigate the skies with unparalleled grace. Shiji-Long can easily use these giant birds as mounts, as they are almost three times as tall as them in body-length.

Their physique is enhanced by sharp, elongated claws that speak of their predatory nature. These claws provide the Cai Yuan Long with a means to capture prey and defend against potential threats. Their piercing eyes, capable of perceiving distant details, grant them extraordinary vision, allowing them to spot prey or potential dangers from remarkable distances.

While categorized as a feral species, the Cai Yuan Long possesses an astonishing intellect that surpasses their wild nature. Within their own tightly knit communities, these creatures exhibit exceptional communication skills, utilizing a complex language of chirps and screeches. This intricate vocal repertoire enables them to convey a wide range of emotions and share vital information among their kin. They are even able to mimic and use words they learned from other species.

Family holds great importance among the Cai Yuan Long, as they form lifelong bonds with their chosen mates. They embrace the responsibility of raising their young together, forming packs consisting of a few families. This communal approach ensures the collective protection and survival of their offspring, fostering a harmonious and supportive environment within their communities.

With their unmatched aerial agility and swift flight, the Cai Yuan Long reign as the fastest flyers in Shengdao's skies. Their speed allows them to cover great distances in search of prey or explore new territories, cementing their status as supreme aerial predators.

Long Ming Jiao

The Long Ming Jiao are a species of owl-dragon creatures. They come in various forms, resembling predatory birds, with sharp claws, beaks, and snake-like tails that exceed their height. Except for their snake-like skin, they are covered completely in feathers. Their piercing eyes can easily see in the dark and can focus on things in long distances. These creatures possess thick, sturdy horns that grow in size as they age. Long feathers form a mantle around their shoulders, extending to their hips and sometimes reaching the ground.

What sets the Long Ming Jiao apart is their magical nature. They are magically born from a millennia-old gem, created from a spark of magic itself. This crystal laid dormant for a long while, only reactivated when it got in contact with the elder Weifang. These beings can live for several hundred years, but unlike other magical creatures, they lack the ability to control magic directly. Instead, a spot in the midst of their chest glows, indicating their innate magic affinity. From this spot, magic constantly drips down, further emphasizing their magical connection.

In terms of their behavior, the Long Ming Jiao have a fondness for work. They are diligent and dedicated creatures, often pursuing sophisticated tasks and professions. While they do not actively seek out family bonds, as they do not reproduce themselves, there are instances where they have found love and formed lasting relationships. However, their primary focus remains on their work and the fulfillment it brings them.

Fei Lu Ge

The Fei Lu Ge are a fascinating species of feline slug geckos that inhabit the swamps and wet plains of the land of Shengdao. These unique creatures have evolved to stand on two legs, giving them an upright posture, and their limbs are well adapted for climbing and traversing through their swampy habitat.

One of the notable features of the Fei Lu Ge is their giant claws and tusks. These sharp, formidable appendages serve multiple purposes, including defense and acquiring food in their environment. Their large paws allow them to move efficiently through the muddy terrain and cling to branches with ease.

The Fei Lu Ge have a combination of smooth skin and proto hair. Their skin provides a protective layer, while the proto hair is oily and water-resistant, helping them repel moisture and maintain their body temperature in the damp environment of the swamps. Additionally, their ability to change skin color through camouflage allows them to blend with their surroundings, aiding in both hunting and evading predators.

In terms of behavior, the Fei Lu Ge are generally laid-back and easy creatures. They prefer a solitary or pair-bonded lifestyle, often living in separate territories within the swamps. Despite their independent nature, they exhibit a unique form of parental care. They lay eggs but continue to nurture and protect their young until a certain age, ensuring their survival in the challenging swamp environment.

The Fei Lu Ge are well adapted to the swamps and wet plains of Shengdao, but they cannot thrive in arid climates. They rely on the moisture of their habitat to stay hydrated and maintain their overall well-being.

These resourceful creatures have embraced their natural attributes and have become skilled merchants in the land of Shengdao. They traverse the region, selling their own hairs as crafting materials, which are highly valued by artisans for their unique properties, since they are still able to change colour with temperature or touch.


The Oni are a species of bull-like creatures known for their abundant fur and dull, natural colors. They possess a distinctive blend of features, combining the strength and stature of bulls with dragon-like paws and sharp, long claws instead of hooves. Their most striking feature is their horns, which have the potential to grow to exceptional sizes, adding to their imposing appearance. Another notable attribute is their long and robust tail, which aids in balance and provides additional defensive capabilities.

Despite their initially muted colors, the Oni have developed a unique way to express their individuality. They paint colorful markings onto their fur, allowing them to stand out and showcase their distinct identities within the species. These vibrant patterns serve as a form of personal adornment and are often used to communicate social status or affiliation within the Oni community.

In the past, the Oni were subjected to laborious tasks as working animals. They were compelled to engage in arduous strength-based work, which required their physical capabilities to be harnessed and controlled. As a means of control, their claws were pierced, preventing them from easily escaping their tasks. However, over time, the Oni species developed a remarkable affinity for magic. They honed their abilities, enabling them to manipulate magical energies and perform extraordinary feats. One such ability was the capacity to "walk on clouds," granting them the ability to traverse the skies effortlessly, despite their pierced claws. This remarkable skill earned them the nickname "cloud runners" and became an integral part of their identity.

In the present day, the Oni have gained their freedom and are no longer subjected to servitude. Many individuals have chosen to embrace a more feral lifestyle, congregating in herds on the vast planes of Shengdao. Here, they can roam freely, reconnect with their natural instincts, and live harmoniously within their communities. The Oni herds on the planes of Shengdao are a testament to their resilience, adaptability, and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.


The Croomar, a dragon lizard species, is a fascinating and unique species found in the wetlands and coastal areas of Shengdao. While they share a distant ancestry with the Baoshilong, they have developed distinct characteristics that set them apart.

Unlike their gem dragon cousins, the Croomar lack wings, but compensate for this with their strong physique. They possess large, impressive horns that adorn their heads, giving them a regal and majestic appearance. Their bodies are covered in vibrant scales of various colors, ranging from deep blues and purples to vibrant greens and yellows, which allows them to blend in with their lush surroundings.

One of the most striking features of the Croomar is their fur manes that cascade down their necks. The manes are thicker and more prominent in females, while the males are usually taller.

The Croomar have evolved powerful, muscular tails that they use as a versatile tool. Their tails are not only used for balance and stability but also as a formidable weapon when defending themselves or hunting prey. Along with their sharp claws, these reptiles are well-equipped for survival in their habitat.

Although they are skilled hunters, the Croomar have a varied diet. They primarily feed on fish, taking advantage of their proximity to the wetlands and coastal areas. However, they also have a taste for fruit, particularly sweet ones.

In stark contrast to their uptight Baoshilong cousins, the Croomar have a laid-back and carefree disposition. They are known for their playful and mischievous nature, always seeking opportunities for fun and enjoyment. Rather than being focused on work or responsibilities, they prefer to live in the moment and take life as it comes.

One of the distinctive traits of the Croomar is their fondness for creating accessories using natural materials. They have a keen eye for unique items found in their surroundings, such as shells, colorful stones, and pieces of driftwood. These creative reptiles use these materials to adorn themselves, crafting unique accessories that reflect their vibrant personalities.


Zhong Shou

The Zhong Shou, also known as Behemoths, are a remarkable species characterized by their muscular build, large horns, and distinctive markings. They are formidable creatures with powerful bodies, particularly the males, who exhibit exceptional strength. Standing at an impressive height of over 2.3 meters at the shoulder in their feral versions, these creatures command attention due to their sheer size and presence.

The Zhong Shou possess a thick coat of fur that covers their entire body, providing insulation and protection from their natural environment. Their fur comes in a variety of colors, ranging from earthy browns and grays to vibrant shades such as reddish-orange or deep black. This enables them to blend into their surroundings, facilitating hunting and offering some camouflage. Occasionally they come in very bright and vibrant colors, too, especially if the specimen lives in tropical areas of Shengdao.

One of their most prominent features is their large horns, which are typically found on both males and females. The horns can vary in shape and size but are generally robust and serve both defensive and territorial purposes. The males often have more prominent horns, which they employ during territorial disputes and to attract potential mates.

The Zhong Shou possess a long, flowing mane that starts at the top of their heads and extends down their backs, adding to their majestic appearance. The manes are typically more prominent in males, often becoming thicker and more elaborate as they age. The mane serves both ornamental and functional purposes, providing some protection during confrontations.

Their bodies are well-adapted for physical strength and agility. The Zhong Shou possess powerful legs, equipped with sharp claws and robust paws that enable them to traverse various terrains with ease. Their hind legs are particularly strong, allowing them to carry their massive frames effortlessly. Additionally, they have a long, powerful tail that aids in balance and agility during rapid movements or sudden changes in direction.

The Zhong Shou possess a highly developed sense of smell, which enables them to track prey over vast distances. Their keen olfactory abilities make them exceptional hunters, giving them an advantage in detecting and capturing their targets. This attribute, combined with their immense physical strength, contributes to their success in securing food for their families.

Another aspect of the Zhong Shou is their ability to shapeshift between anthropomorphic and feral forms. It is even said that they once transformed into humans. This transformation allows them to adapt to different situations and environments. While in their anthropomorphic form, they possess the ability to engage in various activities requiring dexterity and fine motor skills. However, when in their feral form, they can run on all fours, utilizing their enhanced speed and agility.

In their natural habitat, Zhong Shou typically live in family packs. However, due to their solitary nature, males often prefer to roam alone, establishing territories and searching for potential mates. It is during the mating season and the raising of offspring that the males temporarily join family packs to protect and provide for their young. Outside of these specific circumstances, males tend to maintain a more independent lifestyle.

The Zhong Shou's impressive strength and physical capabilities make them invaluable in various tasks that require raw power. They are known to assist in tasks such as pulling heavy loads, excavating rocks and gems, and even participating in construction projects. Their willingness to lend their abilities to such endeavors makes them valued members to their communities.

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