Shiji-Long FAQ

Welcome to the Shiji-Long FAQ: don't mind Zhishi, she's just not very fond of company.
Maybe a few pets (clicks) on the head will butter her up? Then again, maybe not...
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Where is the lore based on? What time period is it set in?
LoreWorldAs the name hints to, Shiji-Long originated in the area that is today known as China. Over the years, they spread all over the world so they can be found in every country. Owners can freely decide how old their Shiji-Long is and how many times it has reincarnated, so they have free reign over the time period in which their Shiji lives. Most Shijis, however, live in modern times.
Are there humans in the Shiji-Long world?
WorldThere are no humans in the Shengdao, but there are humans on Earth. However, Shiji-Long try to stick to themselves. Only a few have had contact with humans, who they often consider a violent species. Shiji-Long have their own means to hide themselves away from the ever-growing prescence of humans.
Can Shiji-Long have companion animals?
FamiliarsYes! Some Shiji-Long have companion animals, called familiars. These are special animals that they share a deep bond with. Typically familiars are normal animals, but sometimes on rare occassions Shiji-Long can tame mythical creatures as well.
Can Shiji-Long die or will they reincarnate forever?
BiologyShiji-Long cannot die from old age. If they reach the age of around 200 years old, their inherited magic will transform them into an egg and their life-cycle starts anew. They can be killed or can die of wounds, illnesses, or other trauma.
Can I change my Shiji?
Species GuidelinesOfficial traits can only be changed via events or items! However, you can add things to your Shiji such as nail polish, dyed hair strands, temporary painted markings (makeup), piercings, etc. You can also design outfits and jewelry for your Shiji-Long to your liking! Hair styles can be changed; manes can be cut down and straight or even braided just like a horses'. However, it manes cannot grow on other places of the body or be as long as flowing hair. Shaved off hair must be shown with a darker fur color, effectively like stubbles - but this will not change the Shiji's fur trait.
For more detail on adding markings, also refer to 'Can I put additional markings onto my Shiji?' -
What places exist in Shengdao? Are there any places that aren't marked?
WorldThere are many unmarked places in Shengdao! Vashaa wants players to develop the world with her, so Shiji-Long can have a home wherever the player wants. Players can decide if there is another fishing hut on the beach, if there is a little market that sells flowers, or if there are ruins in the dark woods (as examples). The Shiji-Long community will develop the world together and players can fully decide where and how their Shiji-Long live in it. ( Note: There cannot be icy regions in a volcano etc - places should be reasonable/logical. )
How can I get a Shiji?
Species GuidelinesThere are many ways to get your own Shiji!
- Participating in raffles and MYO events.
- Earning coins from creating gift art (make sure to ask recipients if they are okay with your idea first) - then use those coins to buy an MYO certificate from the shop!
- Buying a Shiji from a First Time Owner (FTO) batch.
- Commissioning a custom Shiji from Vashaa. -
Where does the World Portal lead to?
LoreWorldThe portal works differently depending on whether you are on Shengdao or on Earth. It has multiple fixed locations on Earth, which are only visible to magical beings and which bring you to the portal arc if you travel through them. If you travel from Shengdao to Earth, the portal can bring you to any place you can imagine clearly/from experience. To travel from Shengdao to Earth you must find one of the fixed-location portals.
What type of technology do Shiji-Long have?
LoreMagicWorldShiji-Long do have more advanced technology, but it is more magical in nature. Since the modern human world exists, modern human technology also exists, but the gods are not fond of these things such as automatic weapons, phones, and all types of electronics. Shiji-Long do have lamps and similar things which are powered by magic. Old weapons or magic ones exists, but nothing that would break the immersion of a fantasy world. As for magic, it is mostly for things powered with an energy source, like gems enhanced by magic. It is not eletrical circuits or micro chips, etc. For example, there may be lamps or gems that store memories (like projectors), or scrolls that will save what is written on them so that it will last centuries.
There are also some forms of older technology, such as oil lamps. Shiji-Long may also forge things, not only for jewelery and weapons, but also for tools. For example, a Shiji-Long could have goggles that use gems to allow them to see in the dark.
Shiji-Long might also have some limited flight transporation technology. Nothing "steampunk" but there might be hot air balloons or ships which are powered by gems. However, the creation of such machines would be extremely complex, so they would not be very common. -
How do Magic Gems Works?
MagicWorldThis depends on the type of gem. Standard gems with a low grade of magical power (which are used for most things) are activated by touch and only work for a certain amount of time. So, fore xample, if you have a gem that stores memories like a television, it would stop working after some time and would need to recharge.
Powerful and elemental gems will be very dangerous in the wrong hands, so common Shiji-Long would not have these. However, Shiji-Long can still use common gems to make fires using a gem as a lighter essentially. This is not the same a apowerful elemental gem.
For elaborate tasks accomplished using gems, you will typically need a Shiji with magical affinity/ability to make the gem do exactly what is needed. Engrams would be a way for those Shijis to make these types of gems more accessible to non-magical shijis. -
What do you call the occupation that works with magical gems?
MagicWorldThe can change depending on the Shiji that you are speaking to, but there are Shiji-Long who work with the raw materials who you might name 'gem-smiths' or 'gem crafters'. There are also Shiji-Long who work those crafted gems into technology. These individuals work the gems into new things so this profession is sometimes called a 'gem-joiner.'
How can a familiar identify another familiar (as opposed to a normal animal)?
FamiliarsMagicFamiliars are magical animals, so their scent is different than that of normal animals. Familiars may also sparkl lightly (especially when flying or moving), but they definitely reek of magic no matter what.
Is magic a special trait or can it be claimed for any Shiji-Long?
MagicMagic is a special trait specific to any given Shiji-Long, because it is a blessing from the Elders. You can get a magic trait for free through coins, specific MYOs, or specific events. Magical traits are sometimes also included in grab-bag themed Shiji-Long adopts.
What is the Shiji of the Month? How can I be featured?
Species GuidelinesEach month two Shiji-Long are chosen to be featured as the Shiji of the month. Drawing gift art for these Shijis during their featured month will grant you double coins as a reward. Depending on the complexity of the art, you can earn more coins - for example, a full body would grant more coins than a headshot. Featured Shiji-Long are chosen using a random number generator each month.
How can I earn coins?
Species GuidelinesYou can earn coins in several ways:
- Gift Art: Every colored piece of art or art with some care put into it will award you coins. You can check character profiles or discord user roles to determine who is okay with receiving gift art. The amount of coins you reiceve will vary based on the amount of effort put into the art.
- Badges: If you have a Shiji-Long, you can draw or write a specific story to obtain a badge. Badges are listed on discord as well as in the menu under ARPG -> Activities -> Badges on this site. Each badge will award 5 coins.
- Events: Event participation will grant coins as well, which may vary depending on the event. You can participate in events without having a Shiji-Long of your own. -
What sort of markings can Shiji-Long have?
Species GuidelinesShiji-Long can have any markings that can be found in nature. So they might have stripes, spots, markings that match sea creatures, etc. They may not have unnatural markings such as hearts, symbols, etc. You should also refer to the "special" traits in the trait list for more detail surrounding ultra rare (unnnatural) markings such as mask markings and other symbolic markings.
Are familiars bound to the Shiji that hatches it?
FamiliarsFamiliars are permanently bound to the Shiji-Long who hatched them. Others may take care of another Shiji's familiar, but the familar will only ever be loyal to the Shiji-Long that hatched it.
What do familiars do while a Shiji-Long is reincarnating? What happens to a familiar if it's Shiji-Long dies?
FamiliarsFamiliars will stay by the side of their Shiji's egg while it is reincarnating. If their Shiji-Long dies, the familiar will fade from existance as well.
What happens to a Shiji's clothing when they transform to a feral?
BiologyMagicClothing does not transform with a Shiji-Long, so if a Shiji transforms while clothed the clothing may rip or become ruined. Most Shiji-Long will undress prior to transforming and may keep clothing with them in case they need to turn back.
How do Shiji-Long deal with wounds or disabilities?
BiologyMagicWorldSomething like a broken horn would not impact anything about the Shiji's life, however something like a lost tail or missing limbs could definitely impact a Shiji's balance. There are crutches for missing legs and prosthetic limbs do exist, though nothing robotic exists. Some Shiji-Long may also use their magical abilities (once trained/learned) to make up for a missing arm for example - mind magic can especially help with those sorts of tasks. Flying itself is not hindered by missing limbs, however.
Do Shiji-Long keep their past mate’s scales after reincarnation?
BiologyMatingYes, they will also regrow if they fall out or are pulled out.
Are mates drawn to each other? Is there something like a pull? What would happen if their mate's egg hasn't hatched again yet?
MatingMates can feel each other’s presence. Even if their mate is reincarnating and still in their egg, the pull remains.
Can a Shiji reject their mate?
MatingThe bond is in 99% of the cases mutual, but it can happen very rarely. The remaining 1% is one-sided.
Do Shiji-Long have navels or belly-buttons?
BiologySpecies GuidelinesThey do not have navels since they hatch from eggs. The line that a lot of Shiji have is just muscle definition.
Do soul mates know/feel if/when their soul mate is born or hatched?
MatingYes, but only if they are bonded to each other.
If a Shiji-long never meets their mate, will they still feel a pull to their mate?
MatingNo, Shiji-Long will not feel the pull to their mate specifically until they have met them.
When a Shiji knows they are nearing the end of their current life cycle, do they need to seek out someone to tend to their reincarnation egg and hatch it? If they don't, what happens? Do they simply remain a dormant egg until they are discovered? And once hatched, is the reincarnated Shiji just as helpless as a "true" baby Shiji or are they past the initial development where they can successfully survive on their own if need be?
BiologyShijis usually either stick to a protected place before their cycle ends, so that the egg is protected, or ask others to care for them. It is up to you to decide how your shiji wants to handle this. Some barricade their home, so that no predator comes in while they are in a vulnerable state. Some prefer to hatch on their own. Most shijis usually stick to either their siblings or friends/partners.
Do Shiji-Long retain their memories when reincarnating?
LoreYes, Shijis retain their memories. Since they do, they are not like real babies, they don't have to learn to walk, and their bodies get stronger the more magic they gather within their lives. So reincarnated Shijis basically are more like adults in childrens’ bodies. They tend to grow quicker as first time borns as well.
How quickly do Shiji-eggs hatch? Does the care for the egg affect the time?
BiologyMatingIt depends on the subspecies. Usually, warm places produce quicker hatching times. It is also said that care makes the egg hatch quicker, but there isn’t a general time frame. Some Shiji eggs need only a few months to reincarnate, some need decades. Newborn Shiji usually take less time than reincarnated eggs, and usually stay within a year's time.
Do clutchmates (siblings) reincarnate at the same time?
LoreNo, it’s a very individual thing. Just as a twin can live longer than their sibling, Shiji’s can reincarnate at different times and also might need different time frames to hatch.
Can moss, fungi or plants grow on a Shiji’s scales?
LoreOnly on the natural (subspecies) Shiji-Long.
Do mated pairs decide in which clan they live or do they visit each other?
MatingShijis can freely live wherever they want and do not have to live with their clan.
Are newly born Shiji raised by their parents? And are their strong parental bonds?
MatingShijis that do have parents are raised by them. Even relatives often help with that. Family bonds are important for a lot of Shiji-Long.
Can a Shiji freely choose their clan or are they sorted by skill or interest?
LoreShiji can freely choose their clan, or even choose none, which is rare though.
Do Shijis have forked tongues?
BiologyNo. They have normal tongues. But some Shiji evolved to indeed have a forked tongue. They usually have a better sense of smell as well.
Is it possible that a Shiji would only be feral or only be anthro?
BiologyNo: Shiji can freely switch between anthromorphic and feral state. They are shapeshifters.
Can I draw/write/commission noncanon things with my Shiji?
Species GuidelinesYes, you can! Same goes for NSFW. On the website and Discord though we are strictly SFW and canon.
How tall are Shiji-Long in their anthro and feral form?
BiologySpecies GuidelinesShiji range from 100cm - 170cm in their anthro form. The feral from is the same plus the length of the tail. Exceptions can happen, but there never was a taller Shiji than around 190cm. They can change their size a bit though in their feral state.
Can my Shiji open up a shop to sell things related to their craft?
LoreWorldYes! We encourage player driven content! Your Shiji can have their own shop! You can even sell things like drawings, outfit designs or even stories and songs for either Bi (our currency) or real money. As long as you made the items yourself and do not use existing shop items (for example you cannot run a resale shop).
Can I upgrade my Shiji with rarer traits?
Species GuidelinesYes! We have a shop with all kinds of items. We only sell them for the Bi currency.
What other beasts live in Shengdao? Things they would hunt or have to watch out for?
worldThe fauna and flora is vast and rich in Shengdao. From insects, to rodents, fish and mammals, all kinds of beasts roam the land and sea. While the Shijis and the other companion species are the apex predators, there are definitely other species like giant fish and land predators that can seriously harm the Shijis.
Are there dark natured Shiji-Long?
WorldLoreYes. The elder war showed this in a brutal way. Like with any intelligent life, some often only value their own. While the elders are hindering big organizations from forming, crime is present. From theft to murder. Generally speaking though, crime is very low.
What kind of magic is there in the Shiji-Long world?
magicThere are three types of magic. Elemental, state and mind. The first deals with the elements, the second with the form of the body and the third with all kinds of mind magic.
Can I store items I won or bought for future Shijis?
Species GuidelinesYes, of course!
What are the cultural norms regarding clothing for Shiji-long? Obviously, clothing is a form of self-expression and ornamentation, but is there a taboo against forgoing clothing, or situations in which it is/isn't considered publicly acceptable?
Species GuidelinesWorldThere is traditional wear as well as more modern fashion. Modern clothing is not the same as modern human clothing, however. There is even armor and lingerie. Usually Shijis wear clothing appropriate for their environment, but there are also Shijis that are not wearing any in their home or even outside if they live more remotely. It is not appropriate to be naked in towns though.
Can my Shiji have broken horns, missing limbs, scars etc?
Species GuidelinesYes, they can. All this will be restored though when the Shiji reincarnates. We want to make sure though that injuries like this are part of your Shiji’s story and not just done for the sake of it.
What are Shiji-Longs facial structure based on?
Species GuidelinesMost of their face structure is similar to long snouted dogs.
What happens when only one of the bound mates reincarnates? Will they still be a pair?
MatingYes. But out of social norms, mates then wait until the newly reincarnated Shiji is in their adult stage again until they show their affection. Note though, that usually mates reincarnate together, since they can start their reincarnation process by choice.
Can the Shiji’s biological sex change when they reincarnate?
biologyNo. The Shiji stays the same when they reincarnate.
Do female Shiji-Long breastfeed?
BiologyMatingYes. They breastfeed in the first few weeks, sometimes months. Then the baby grows teeth and is able to digest other things.
Can Shijis fly in their anthro form?
BiologyNo. Shiji-Long need to be in their feral form to be able to fly. It’s a gift from the elders.
Although the Discord/Website are a SFW space, what do shiji-long genitals look like?
Species GuidelinesBiologyMale parts look dragon-like and have ridges, the testicles are internal. Females have rather human-like parts.
Do the traits the Shiji-Long have get inherited?
Species GuidelinesMatingYes. The parent’s biology determines the offspring’s.
Does the soul mate have to be of a romantic kind?
MatingIt mostly is romantic in nature, but it can also be platonic in very rare cases.
For the Soulbinding Trial: Does it make a difference which god is chosen?
MatingNo. The choice is completely yours.
Is there a time limit for the Soulbinding Trial?
matingNo, it is open all year round.
Do all Shiji-Long have belly scales?
Species GuidelinesBiologyYes. They all have to have belly scales.
Can Shiji-Long have slightly curly manes?
Species GuidelinesBiologyYes, their longer fur can be curly. Hair on the head is also often styled to look a certain way.
Are there magical vehicles and can any Shiji-Long use that technology?
WorldMagicThere can be. Nothing that goes into steam/cyberpunk, but, while being rare, there can be gem powered ships or planes. Any Shiji-Long would be able to use this technollgy (with education).
Can normal Shijis make magical objects?
MagicNo. It is a very delicate thing to create magical objects. Only the best magic users and the elders are able to create refined gems or magical objects.
Can gems be recharged?
WorldMagicYes, by more powerful crystals and gems that have the same element. Generally speaking though, they recharge by themselves over time as well.
Why would Shiji-Long need vehicles or mounts?
BiologyMagicEven Shijis get tired while flying. Some vehicles also are quicker in the long run and can transport goods and ill/elderly Shiji.
Do Shiji-Long have a sign-language?
WorldWorldYes! Some Shijis brought back books of it to Shengdao and since then, that knowledge is available. The elders made an exception for these books, because it was a useful and necessary thing for some.
Where is NPC Kaiya’s Café?
WorldLoreIt is in Tianshu!
What does the Oasis Market look like? Are there only illegal things happening?
WorldIt is desert inspired. It has not only Egyptian/Arabic influences, but is a meeting spot of every culture element that has to do with people living in or near deserts. For example, that also includes all kinds of, for a better word, influences that would in our world stem from all kinds of African countries. So, nomads, travellers, herds of livestock and their farmers, people from the mountains just selling wares, with some having settled there. While there are a lot of questionable merchants, most are still only selling legal goods. If you want something very specific though, that is your place to look for it.
Can we design our own Shiji’s home? Or are places set in stone?
WorldYou can! We want player driven worlds and stories. While we have descriptions of places and stories, you can work with these in mind to design your own places in this world! Just don’t infringe with the general setting or other people’s places.
How big are familiars?
FamiliarsFamiliars can change their size from tiny fairy-like, to the size of the actual animal.
Can we gift or trade items we do not want?
Species GuidelinesYes! They can be gifted, traded and sold to other people for Bi.
How often can Shiji-Long have babies?
MatingBiologyShiji-Long can lay eggs once per year maximum, since the female carries the eggs for longer. Twice a year there is their mating season. In March and September.
Do Shijis need a special diet to handle this time and pregnancy?
MatingBiologyA balanced diet is especially necessary for carrying females, yes.
Can Shiji-Long lose scales randomly?
BiologyShijis definitely lose fur and scales! They do not shed like snakes, but lost scales and fur is regrown over time. Wounds and illnesses can cause excessive loss of fur and scales.
Can Shijis have offspring with another Shiji that is not their soul mate?
MatingBiologyWhile mating pairs get drawn to each other and mostly keep to themselves during the seasons, it is possible to have offspring from two fertile shijis that aren't mates. It is not practiced as the norm though and mostly happens accidentally during these seasons. For the breeding event though, you need a mated pair. Story wise though, it can definitely be done.
Can I put additional markings onto my Shiji?
Species GuidelinesNot real ones, no. You would need a marking brush or a dye potion for that. However, you can include additional markings via makeup or paint as long as it is clear that it is something that is temporary. Please also remember that fur cannot hold the same level of detail as skin for painting applications.
Did any normal Shiji participate in the elder war?
LoreYes. The elders used their followers to fight for them, on different frontlines though. Many of those who fought were lost.
Since regular Shiji partcipated in the elder war, does that mean that there were Shijis that fought for the 'evil' elders as well?
LoreYes. While some elders took the stance of full eradication of the Shiji-Long, others had different motives and used their followers as fighters for their ideals.
Can traits vary? For example, can normal fur have slightly longer bangs?
Species GuidelinesYes. All traits can be varied a bit. Normal horns can have two or more branches and their form can vary. Haircuts on normal fur can also vary. Generally speaking, you can customize traits a tad to fit your aesthetics.
Are there colour and marking restrictions?
Species GuidelinesYes and no. Colours are generally open. Even rainbow colours and neon colours. For markings, we have 6 markings that are closed. Mask markings, the four special markings (Hearts, peacock, eye and flower, as well as unnatural markings in general (symbols and the like). Those have to be added via trait. Other than that, all markings are open.
Are there schools and universities in the Shiji-Long world?
WorldShijis value education. There are schools and teachers for every craft and subject. Universities like our modern ones aren’t there, but you can compare them to the older ones in Europe and Asia.
Can a Shiji have their mane cut or trimmed very short?
Species GuidelinesYes! Just make sure that it is stated that it is a haircut!
How many scales do mated pairs usually exchange?
MatingThere isn’t really an average, but usually it’s just a small marking on their body, so not bigger than the size of two hands usually. It varies a lot though. How the marking looks is up to you!
Do Shiji-Long have dewclaws?
BiologyLoreNo, not naturally. You can get the claw trait, but that is more like a raptor claw.
How big are the elders?
BiologySpecies GuidelinesElders are several times bigger than the Shiji-Long. Generally speaking, Shijis are fitting in the palm of their paws.
Are the offerings for the Soulbinding Trial items in the store we have to buy?
MatingNo! You do not have to buy anything. It’s mostly an RP part for you. You can choose whatever, as long as the elder likes it.
Do the Shiji-Long use the same calendar as we humans?
WorldYes. Their days are the same length, same as their years. But time flows more slowly in Shengdao compared to earth. Earth time is almost thrice as fast. So one year in Shengdao is three years on Earth.
Can I work on the story and origin of my Shiji that is not yet official or if I still have none?
Species GuidelinesYes! Just make sure to state that it is unofficial at the moment! You can work on everything beforehand though! Mind the lore though when you develop your story!
Can my Shiji only have traits from one rarity?
BiologySpecies GuidelinesNo! You can mix and match. With MYO scrolls, you can choose from the category you buy and every trait less rare. For example, a rare MYO scroll grants you access to common, uncommon and rare traits.
Why can’t humans enter the portal?
WorldMagicOnly magical things can actually see and access the portals. They are hidden by magic.
How do Familiars recognize other Familiars?
FamiliarsMagical beings have a certain scent to them. The Familiars also have a light sparkling effect to them when they move.
How big is Shengdao? And is the current map all there is?
WorldShengdao is a sister dimension of Earth. It is almost the same size. There are land masses we have not yet traveled to.
Can Earth things be brought to Shengdao?
WorldYes. Harmless, useful things like books are often tolerated by the elders. Weapons, as well as technology, are immediately destroyed when seen. There are Shijis that try to smuggle things against the elders' will. They are punished when caught.
Do subspecies Shiji-Long have their own elders? How do they treat the other four?
LoreWorldYes, and we will meet them soon. The subspecies are respectful towards the other elders, but also do not follow their orders. They only follow their own elders.
Do the Shiji-Long use mounts?
WorldYes! Especially farmers and merchants take great pride in their mounts.
How many years has it been since the elder war has ended?
loreQuite a few thousands, before the humans started to really build civilisations. By now it is more of a legend or mythos.
When were the first Shiji-Long created? And how old is the oldest Shiji?
WorldLoreThe Shiji-Long were created before the dawn of humanity. The exact year has not been documented. The oldest Shijis, if still alive, would have thousands of life cycles. If there is a Shiji like this that is still roaming the world is unknown. The elders have favourite Shiji-Long though, which could be due to their shared history.
What sources and levels of conflict are there in Shengdao?
WorldThe current clans, except for Nu, are in a playful rivalry, they compete which is better. Usually the elders are trying to prevent anything bad from happening, but of course there are arguments and even crimes in the world. A big part of the conflict stems from Nu, which will be explored further soon.
Are there human mythoses in Shengdao? Legends and stories?
WorldLoreNo. We deliberately do not take inspiration of Asian or Arabic regions out of politeness. We do develop our own stories and legends!
Can gift art be counted towards a badge? Or a badge submission as gift art?
Species GuidelinesNo. Generally speaking, we do not allow double dipping of any kind. Badge art and stories have to be made for the badge. Gift art as gifts. Commissions can be used for both, but not simultaneously.
Do the subspecies have different clans?
WorldLoreYes. They have their own clan. Normal Shijis cannot enter that clan usually. It is the highest honor for a normal Shiji-Long to be part of a subspecies clan.
Would it be possible for an evil Shiji to manipulate another’s mind via magic?
MagicYes, that would be doable with mind magic.
Do Shiji-Long believe in spirits/ancestors like a lot of Asian countries do? If so, what is their relationship with them?
LoreSo, since not many Shiji are dying anymore, compared to the old times when war raged the land, Shiji nowadays do not have to go through a lot of deaths/funeral rites anymore. The elders always explain that their spirit goes back into the earth, into the magic that flows through everything when the body itself dies. But the topic is very subjective. Some might believe that their fallen ancestors or family members are surrounding them, others might not. There is no collective belief. Yet they do not believe that fallen ones could be haunting them (like our ghosts or spirit). Quite a few Shijis are still having little shrines or places where they put flowers or other things in honour of the fallen ones.
Can a Shiji be part of the subspecies without having all the species traits?
Species GuidelinesNo. Subspecies can only have the subspecies traits.
How do soulmates recognise each other?
MatingIt's different for the individual pairs. Some feel a calling of sorts, like they gravitate to a certain place because that is where their soulmate is. Some see each other and just know. Some, especially if one partner isn't receptive immediately, may take longer. It's a process as individuals to the Shiji themselves.
Do coffee, cacoa and tea exist in Shengdao? And do grinders and presses exist for them?
WorldYes! All these plants exist in Shengdao and they are used for all kinds of foods and drinks. All equipment that is used in our world that is mechanical is also used in variation in the Shiji world.
The gems that grow on Shijis with the gem trait; are they growing continuously or are they stopping at a certain size?
BiologyThey grow until the Shiji stops growing, so until adulthood. They are replaced though when they break off. They can also get trimmed if the Shiji would want them short, but they would regrow to the former length.
Are there any tribes outside the civilization in Shengdao?
WorldThere definitely can be tribes on the unknown land masses that are unexplored.
Does Shiji clothing take into account the fur up their backs? Would it get irritated being under clothing?
BiologyFur has to be incorporated into the design of clothing, but usually it does not get irritated. Most Shiji’s though prefer it being not stuck underneath clothing.
What happens to an egg that is abandoned, but never found by anyone?
BiologyThe egg will hatch, generally speaking, but it is highly unlikely that the egg will survive in the wild.