

The Oni are a species of bull-like creatures known for their abundant fur and dull, natural colors. They possess a distinctive blend of features, combining the strength and stature of bulls with dragon-like paws and sharp, long claws instead of hooves. Their most striking feature is their horns, which have the potential to grow to exceptional sizes, adding to their imposing appearance. Another notable attribute is their long and robust tail, which aids in balance and provides additional defensive capabilities.

Despite their initially muted colors, the Oni have developed a unique way to express their individuality. They paint colorful markings onto their fur, allowing them to stand out and showcase their distinct identities within the species. These vibrant patterns serve as a form of personal adornment and are often used to communicate social status or affiliation within the Oni community.

In the past, the Oni were subjected to laborious tasks as working animals. They were compelled to engage in arduous strength-based work, which required their physical capabilities to be harnessed and controlled. As a means of control, their claws were pierced, preventing them from easily escaping their tasks. However, over time, the Oni species developed a remarkable affinity for magic. They honed their abilities, enabling them to manipulate magical energies and perform extraordinary feats. One such ability was the capacity to "walk on clouds," granting them the ability to traverse the skies effortlessly, despite their pierced claws. This remarkable skill earned them the nickname "cloud runners" and became an integral part of their identity.

In the present day, the Oni have gained their freedom and are no longer subjected to servitude. Many individuals have chosen to embrace a more feral lifestyle, congregating in herds on the vast planes of Shengdao. Here, they can roam freely, reconnect with their natural instincts, and live harmoniously within their communities. The Oni herds on the planes of Shengdao are a testament to their resilience, adaptability, and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.

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