Dark Woods

Shengdao Region

Can be home to characters.

The Dark Woods stands as a testament to nature's eerie beauty and untamed mysteries. This vast woodland casts a perpetual shadow, its thick canopy blocking out much of the sunlight. Within its depths, a traveler must rely on the soft glow of a lantern to navigate the labyrinthine trails that wind through the darkness.

The atmosphere in the Dark Woods is thick with an otherworldly stillness, broken only by the occasional hoot of an owl or the rustle of unseen creatures scurrying through the underbrush. Shafts of pale light penetrate the dense foliage sporadically, casting an ethereal glow upon the forest floor.

Amidst the shadows and overgrown foliage, the remnants of a forgotten civilization emerge. Dilapidated ruins, once grand and majestic, now crumble silently. Time has worn away the intricate details, leaving behind only weathered stone walls, broken pillars, and arches consumed by encroaching vines. It is said this civilization had belonged to another species entirely, one even the Shiji-Long do not know of.

Contains the following

Shengdao Regions: Black Umbra, Umbra's Throat, Lover's Basin