Black Umbra

Shengdao Region inside Dark Woods

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

The Dark Forest is revered as one of the most terrifying places in all of Shengdao. Both horrifying beasts and shiji hide there alike, seeking refuge in its thick, black shadows. The canopy of trees above the forest floor is so thick, that their selfish leaves drink in nearly all sunlight. Any beams that happen to escape their greedy branches don’t reach far either, as the bottom of the forest floor is coated with a thick fog. Because of this phenomenon, whatever grows beneath the trees is dependent only on water, not so much sunlight itself. Fungi and tall grass thrive here mainly, infecting the surrounding air with a foul stench. Ugly, gnarled roots snake and thread their way between them, a likely trap for anyone unaware of their presence. Foul beasts with stinking breath roam here, drooling and gnashing their toothed maws. Several red eyes blinking in low light, likely predators for lost, little dragons. They moan and screech, alerting others to their locations. Winged predators hide in the safety of the canopy, welcoming its dense foliage. Dripping fangs mimicking the falling of water, thick heavy droplets landing on the mushrooms and plants below.

They call this area of the forest the Black Umbra, meaning 'broken night'. Seasons do not change here and it always appears to be the middle of the night regardless of the time of day. The air is always heavy with fog. It covers the forest floor like a thick blanket, unable to see what lurks below it. The unique ecosystem gives way to even more unique growth, only to be found here within the Umbra. Mushrooms revered for their medicinal properties and crystals that absorb dim light making them appear black. They break through the earth like fangs, reflecting what little light breaks through the roof of trees. Vines choke the crystals, holding them in place as if they'd float away otherwise. Not many shiji call this place home, spare for a few running from their past or others trying to start anew. Those that do seek residence happen to always be on edge, always hunted by the beasts lurking through the sea of fog. Surviving hungry monsters was one thing, but the poisonous flora growing here are just as deadly. If ingested, they'd find themselves completely paralyzed, easy prey for those looking for their next meal.

It does not rain here, in the Black Umbra. The moisture collecting in the fog gives enough for very little life to thrive. It is exceptionally quiet, except for the screaming of hungry beasts that stare hopefully from the shadows. Small bushes also grow here, studded with thick thorns to protect its precious flowers. Some of these flowers, large beautiful petals lined with shimmering gold, could heal wounds if ingested with water. They are protected by these thorns, from greedy, open claws.

The Black Umbra is guarded by large trees, as if to protect the precious grove of herbs and spices, unknown by many. Those who stumble upon its gate are met with malice and hunted for their curiosity, leaving the deadly meadow untouched by paws and claws alike.