The Elders

The Elders are the ancient dragons who created the Shiji-Long. Few elders remain in modern times and each elder has itheir own unique personality: so there isn't a single way that each elder feels about Shiji-long or a unified way in which they interact with their creations. 

Elders that reside in Tianshu have their own homes which are often cared for by members of their clans. Clan members clean, prepare food, and maintain buildings in hopes of either obtaining blessings or simply to show their respect to the ancient beings. Some of the Elders participate in festivals that are held throughout the year in Tianshu. Between these festivals and their residences, seeing the Elders is a daily occurrance for many Shiji-Long and and audience and often by obtained simply by attending one of these events or visiting an Elder's home. 

Once a year, each Elder joins in a ritual at the World Portal to offer a small part of their energy to keep it open. With the recent discovery of the fourth elder, the portal ritual will become an even greater festivity. 


Weifang is the smallest of the remaining Elder dragons at only half the size of the others. However, what she lacks in stature she makes up for in unbridled strength and temperment. She inherited the elemental power of lightning for herself and is able to bless her children with elemental magic. 

Weifang is a fierce diety, so both appeasing her and earning her trust are monumental tasks. Her clan, the Qiáng clan, prides itself on strength and power and only the strongest Shiji-Long are accepted into the clan's ranks. 

Weifang prefers to be on her own and spends the majority of her time training her physical or magical strength. She does, however, enjoy watching tournaments and fights, so she spends a fair amount of time in Tianshu's dojos.


Qíng is the youngest of the remaining Elder dragons and he personifies the love and affection between every living being. Qíng is very caring and loving towards his flock and adores spending time with them. He is the leader of the Liánái Clan and can bless Shiji-Long with healing magic.

Qíng is one of the gods that can be chosen for the mating ritual. He enjoys offerings of crafted items, such as jewelery, and fruit. 

Qíng spends the majority of his time with the people of Tianshu. Although the Elders are the only dragons who are still able to use magic, they don't typically intervene in the affairs of Earthlings or their children. But unlike other Elders, Qíng loves interacting with his clan and even helping where he can. He is known to help even Shiji-Long from faraway lands requesting help. Qíng loves his duties as an Elder and tends to put others' needs above his own. Parties and festivals are a very common pastime for him. 


Zhishi is the oldest of the three remaining elders. Arrogant and aloof, she prefers only to be around individuals who spend their time contemplating science and knoweldge. She typically interacts only with members of her clan, who she carefully selects in order avoid having unintelligent people in their midst. Her clan is focused largely on science and mental magics. 

Zhishi also collects every piece of the world's knowledge and history in a giant tome. In this way, she has become the chronicler of Shengdao. Everything that has happened, happens, or will happen is recorded by her hand. 

Zhishi will only bless Shiji-Long that are part of her clan. She will not bless outsiders and demands books, scrolls, and quills as offerings. 

Zhishi spends most of her time inside the massive library in Tianshu. She continuously records the events of Shengdao, preferring the peace and quiet of her quill on parchment to the hustle and bustle of the city itself. Occasionally she takes part in scientific research and conversation. Although she prefers spending her time with her tomes, she does occassionally play strategy games with her clan members. 


Yixin is a very suspicious and distrustful elder. While he fought on the side of the Shiji-Long in the great war, he has never been comfortable with many of the things that the other elders were participating in. For this reason, he chooses solitude over company, and values nature over the structures of the Shiji-Long. Typically Yixin spends his time in the swamps of Shengdao, but he travels quite a bit. His followers value is sensible personality and often follow him on pilgrimages. 

Yixin has a weak spot for all varities of gems, but does not enjoy anything crafted or modern. He collects anything that sparkles in multiple, secret hideouts. 

After being forced to slay some of his own siblings in the war, Yixin swore to never fight his own kind again, no matter what cause he might believe in. 


Each elder has a different personality, thus there isn't a general answer to how each elder spends their time. Each elder will have different things in mind when it comes to spending their spare time.

Qing mostly stays with the people in Tianshu. He loves to interact with his clan and help where he can. He is known to help even foreign Shijis if they need help. Qing loves his duties and tends to put others' needs over his own. Parties and festivals are a common past time activity for him.

Weifang is mostly the opposite of the younger elder. She likes to be on her own. She does spend a great deal of time either training her physical or magical strength. Weifang does enjoy watching tournaments and fights though, so she mostly stays in Tianshu's dojo.

Zhishi spends most of her time inside the giant library in Tianshu. She continuously writes the chronicals of Shengdao and enjoys her peace and quiet. Occasionally she takes part in scientific research and conversation. Books are what she favours most, but she also engages in board games with her clan members.

Yixin, the fourth and newly rediscovered elder, would rather not come to the city. He is residing in the swamps and deltas, not sticking to only once place, but rather wandering through nature. He has a weakness for everything that sparkles, which he collects and hordes in multiple, secret hideouts. Yixin is not fond of modern things.

The elders residing in Tianshu have their own homes, which are cared for by members of their clans. They are usually cleaning, prepared food, and upholding the buildings to either gain blessings or to show their respect to the ancient beings.

Each of the three elders participates in festivals that are held in and raound Tianshu. Usually Shiji can get an audience just like this, seeing the elders is a daily occurance.

Once a year they join the ritual at the portal arc to offer a small part of their energy to keep it open. With the fourth elder returning, the portal ritual will become a great festivity this year.


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