Umbra's Throat

Shengdao Region inside Dark Woods
2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

Within the Dark Woods, lie several hidden secrets. Among them, lie a cavern just north of its center that remains undiscovered. The Dark Woods is already known for its thick canopy of trees and fog that threatens to choke you the deeper you go, but within its thick branches lies an even deeper secret. A massive sinkhole that has adopted its own ecosystem within its depths, so far that it may seem bottomless to those that would peer down inside of it.

At its bottom, rests a pool of water surrounded by thick flora. Along the sides of the sinkhole itself, rests other pools of water that rain waterfalls down into the main body of water that sleeps at its base. Animals that have had the unfortunate circumstance of falling down into it have adapted to its darkness, as little to no light reaches the bottom. Over time, these animals and plants have developed a chemical compound in their body called luciferin, a molecule that reacts with oxygen to produce light. Thick fronds, dotted with cobalt and cerulean light, grow at the edges of the water, while larger trees have broken the rock beneath it, likely seeds that have tumbled downwards. They thread the floor of the cavern in thick vines, a labyrinth of connections between every living thing. Animals that find themselves stumbling downwards become a part of this abyss, evolving to adapt to such low light, including winged and non-winged beasts alike. They roam aimlessly, eyes growing to see in absolute darkness.

However, the most interesting feature of this sinkhole is in fact, the pond within its center. A funnel of water traveling upwards, reaching back up to the surface as if pulled by an opposing force. It travels several feet from its center, only to evaporate and fall back onto the flora and rocks below. There is no known cause for it, as it remains undiscovered and hidden from prying eyes. The evaporation from this reverse waterfall descends back down, creating a thick fog that blankets the floor of the cavern. It is unlike anything any shiji has seen, sparkling droplets reflecting the light coming from the bioluminescent flora and fauna at its base. The droplets that are too heavy to evaporate land back at its origin, and the process repeats flawlessly. For decades this has occurred, and remains to be seen by unsuspecting eyes.

The water at its base has become acidic due to the constant fallout of water runoff from the rocks surrounding it, however the plants and animals living there have become accustomed to its nature. Because of the streams of water traveling down into its depths, the walls of the sinkhole have created pockets and other smaller caverns within it, almost honey-combed into its sides, hiding their own secrets. Creatures with several eyes peering from the dark in these small caverns, waiting for prey to take their plunge to the rocks and water below. Upon discovery, some might consider it a death trap, only monsters waiting with gnashing teeth and drooling maws waiting down below. To others, an adventure, to explore its tunnels and analyze those that have adapted to its steep walls and dark corners.

The fog within the Dark Woods is thick, but inside of this sinkhole it is thicker, providing the flora below nutrients they need to thrive. However, because of the altitude the sinkhole rests, it is extremely hot inside of these caves. Any animals with any kind of fur would find themselves uncomfortable almost immediately. Because of this phenomenon, the plants will often 'sweat' to excrete any unneeded nutrients in them, making the outsides of them mildly toxic to touch. Any animals thriving in this ecosystem are with little hair or completely hairless. The only bugs found this far down are parasitic, feeding on the toxins the plants release or drinking the blood of the animals found so far down.

Any shiji unfortunate to stumble upon this sinkhole should be warned, and those even daring to enter its caves will find themselves at the mercy of whatever has enough willpower to survive, illuminated only by the bioluminescent light given off by the plants, and the peering eyes of those looking for their next meal.