Lover's Basin

Shengdao Region inside Dark Woods
2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

The Dark Forest hides its most darkest, beautiful secrets far away from prying eyes. It is horrifically difficult for any light to filter through the thick canopy above, its trees fighting for their lives for the tiniest bit of sunlight, drowning the flora below it in their darkness. The trees and plants here behave strangely, as if in fear of the blackness or for fear they'll be trampled by the beasts that reside in it. They grow in odd ways, and shapes, to avoid being sunk below the rich earth below it from wandering, hopeless feet.

A large river runs through the forest, winding its way through the darkness and finally pooling at the East-most point, a glistening pond of unknown depths and mystery. At its south-most point of the pond, hides an area where the trees have rebelled against their nature. The spring water pulses with hidden magic, likely filtering in from the Lifestream Delta. The trees here spread their roots like greedy fingers, sucking the nutrients from the water in hopes it will bring them more growth. A self-woven path of roots carpet the ground, so thick the soul underneath has been completely lost. The roots expand further, as if once they tried to reach the surface and have since given up completely. Completely nature-made arches, made out of the branches and roots of nearby trees. They wind around the southern half of the pond, creating its own hallway to walk around.

Several bushes line the path, sprouting colorful flowers despite no sunlight to be found. The flowers themselves almost glow in the darkness, giving dim light to the surrounding areas. Small, miniscule lightning bugs float lazily around these bushes, aiding the flowers in their fruitless attempt to light the Dark Forest. For this forest, nighttime has a new form a darkness, so thick and suffocating that even the brightest lamp couldn't pierce its veil. The plants and bugs reign stubborn, as try they do to bring some life into one of the darker parts of the forest.

The roots of the trees, and of the arches, drink heavily from the pond's water, relying solely on its magical properties to sustain themselves. The bushes holding such beautiful flowers do the same, in spite of such little light to be found inside the walls of the Dark Forest. Beasts hardly roam here, their cover blown by the amount of light blooming from the edges of the water. This leaves the path untouched, unbothered by sharp claws and hungry teeth. The path lays in wait, for any soul to come across its winding avenue. Thick vines dangle themselves from each archway, the small lightning bugs attaching themselves to create curtains of miniscule light. They twinkle like small stars in the darkness, giving the pond an almost ethereal look, as if out of a fantasy book. There are secrets here, and this alley is tucked away in one of its darkest parts. It begs for a lonely soul to find it, to uncover its beautiful array of light and flowers.