Oasis Stalls Market Design

ARPG Events 29 February 2024 - 31 December 2024
Use the provided template to decorate a stall for the Oasis Stalls Market!

Soon a new market will be opening - the Oasis Stalls in the Stardance Oasis! Players can create their own stall where they can sell any tradable item they've obtained on the website. Players can set their own prices for each item as well as naming their stall.

In order to keep the Oasis Stalls matching the aesthetic of the website, when users visit the page that displays all of the stalls, each stall will randomly be assigned a stall icon. These icons can change each time you refresh the page and are not specific to each shop. In order to help make the stall page more interesting, we're asking for the community's help to make the stall icons that appear on the oasis market landing page.

How to Participate: 

1. Download the stall template: oasis_stalls_stall.psd (or) oasis_stalls_stall.sai2

2. Modify it however you like! Since these are randomly chosen for each stall please do not add any characters to the stall. However, you can add any decorations or items you would like. The only requirement is that it must be your own art (no AI art or art you've found online). You can add ribbons, remove the table, add barrels or boxes of items... Whatever you like! 

3. When you are finished, save the image as a transparent PNG (no extra outline or background) and submit it here (Prompt: 'Oasis Stall Submission').

4. Once a moderator approves your submission, you'll be granted 25bi + depending on the effort! If you choose to simply recolor the stall, the standard will be around 25bi. But for stalls with a lot of items or added accessories we will grant much more! 

Most of all, have fun! 

Shengdao Regions: Stardance Oasis


Miscellanous: Oasis Stall Submission