Stardance Oasis

Shengdao Region

Can be home to characters.

In the northeast of Shengdao, you will find the Stardance Oasis, a place of both natural wonder and cultural significance. This oasis is the largest of its kind in the vast desert of Shengdao, and its name is derived from the breathtaking phenomenon that occurs here every night. The desert sky over Stardance Oasis is renowned for the abundance of shooting stars that streak across it, creating a mesmerizing celestial display. It is said that an elder died here and moved to the skies, his essence and magic causing stars to fall.

The shooting stars, as they fall from the heavens, cast shimmering reflections in the crystal-clear waters of the oasis. This enchanting sight inspired the locals to name it the "Stardance Oasis," and it has become an integral part of their lives. The brilliance of the stars against the oasis waters is a sight to behold and adds a touch of magic to the otherwise arid desert landscape.

One of the most significant events at Stardance Oasis is the biggest annual meteor shower that graces the region. This meteor shower is so extraordinary that the locals have turned it into a grand celebration. Every year on the 1st of May, the oasis comes alive with festivities. The entire area is adorned with star-themed decorations, and, as day turns to night, all artificial lights are extinguished to create the perfect conditions for stargazing.

Throughout the night, tens of thousands of shooting stars streak across the sky, making wishes upon these celestial phenomena a cherished tradition. Locals believe that wishes made during this meteor shower are more likely to come true, and they offer their desires to the celestial gods with a sense of wonder and hope.

The culture around the Stardance Oasis is deeply intertwined with the market that has sprung up in this unique location. The residents of this region primarily consist of nomads and merchants. While many merchants offer legal goods and services, there is also a dark side to the market, with some offering illegal or dangerous wares. However, an unspoken agreement exists among all who live and trade here: "No lives are traded here." This codex ensures that despite the diverse array of goods and services available, the sanctity of life remains intact within the boundaries of the Stardance Oasis.


Associated Event

ARPG Events: Oasis Stalls Market Design