Flower Festival

Special Events 15 May 2022 - 16 June 2022

---- Info:

Every year when nature wakes again, the elders go on a journey to the Twin Lakes to honour Mother Nature. On their way shijis gather around them, accompanying the elders and helping to collect all kinds of flowers, which are used to celebrate nature and bloom of new life. Every shiji gets decorated with flower crowns and other accessories, often wearing entire gowns dedicated to flowers. Every night, self-made lanterns are launched into the air and sent out onto the lakes, bathing sky and water into a warm light. Traditions say bonds made during this time last forever.

---- Tasks:

1st Task:
Your shiji needs a flower crown!
Craft a flower crown in real life or make a collage out of pictures.

2nd Task:
Your shiji needs to celebrate in the Flower Festival!
Draw or write how your shiji celebrates the festival. Are they preparing lanterns? Crafting crowns, celebrating with friends? Show us!
Commissions are allowed. Collabs are allowed. (Make sure to explicitly state who did what. It was to be double the effort.)
Pictures: Coloured, non-rushed piece with a background. Shiji has to be at least close to full-body.
Stories: 2000 words.

---- Prize & Deadline:

Everyone participating gets coins! 30Bi (幣) per submission. You can submit up to 3 entries. If you put more effort into your submission, you can get extra coins.

1st winner: 3-image.pngBroken Star

2nd winner: 92-image.pngSparkling Geode

3rd winner: 200Bi (幣)

One surprise prize will be raffled!

Deadline is the 15th of June!


Shengdao Regions: Twin Lakes


Elders: Weifang, Qíng, Zhishi, Yixin, and Vashaa

News Post:

Festival of Flowers