
Elders ・ Part of Liànài Clan

Qíng is the youngest of the remaining Elder dragons and he personifies the love and affection between every living being. Qíng is very caring and loving towards his flock and adores spending time with them. He is the leader of the Liánái Clan and can bless Shiji-Long with healing magic.

Qíng is one of the gods that can be chosen for the mating ritual. He enjoys offerings of crafted items, such as jewelery, and fruit. 

Qíng spends the majority of his time with the people of Tianshu. Although the Elders are the only dragons who are still able to use magic, they don't typically intervene in the affairs of Earthlings or their children. But unlike other Elders, Qíng loves interacting with his clan and even helping where he can. He is known to help even Shiji-Long from faraway lands requesting help. Qíng loves his duties as an Elder and tends to put others' needs above his own. Parties and festivals are a very common pastime for him. 

Associated Event

Special Events: Flower Festival