Dawn Clouds Mountains

Shengdao Region

Nestled beyond the Molten Crater Volcano in the north-east, the Dawn Clouds Mountains stand as the grandest mountain range in all of Shengdao. Their towering peaks pierce the sky, perpetually shrouded in a veil of thick clouds that cloak them in mystery and majesty. Despite their lofty elevation, these peaks are perpetually bathed in a radiant golden glow, as if touched by the first light of dawn throughout the day.

These mountains are not merely a spectacle of nature's grandeur; they are also home to the Air Shiji-Long, who have carved temples and cities into the very heights of the peaks. Their ancient settlements cling to the mountaintops, blending seamlessly with the rugged terrain and embodying a harmonious coexistence with the elements.

The annual Triophus race, a celebrated event in Shengdao, unfolds amidst the breathtaking vistas of the Dawn Clouds Mountains. As participants navigate the challenging terrain and dizzying altitudes, they are met with awe-inspiring panoramas that stretch as far as the eye can see.

While the higher reaches of the mountains are blanketed in pristine snow, the peaks themselves teem with life and warmth. The relentless sun exposure, coupled with the innate magic of the Air Shiji-Long, creates an oasis of vitality amidst the icy heights. Here, flora and fauna thrive in abundance, their vibrant hues contrasting against the stark, snow-capped slopes.


Contains the following

Shengdao Regions: Gemstone Hollows, Sanctum of Fengyun, Sun Valley


Mounts: Triophus