Sanctum of Fengyun

Shengdao Region inside Dawn Clouds Mountains

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: InklessDragon

The path to this place is considered dangerous and only to be done by the most adventurous of them all, between the soaring and diving temperatures, one has to deal with harsh gales of wind. Not to mention the often steep inclines from time to time.

Nonetheless, the Dawn Cloud Mountains are well known. The flora is unique to the place, having adapted to the harsh sunlight and hot temperatures in the day and frigid ones in the night. One would expect them to look rather drab; but somehow, and legend goes that the air Shiji magics have something to do with it, the colors are vibrant and catch the attention of every passerby. They are often enchanted by the sun’s golden rays that trickle down from the mountain’s walls and tempt people to pause and take a sniff with their soft, pleasant fragrance.

A few trees dot the area as well, sparse and few in between. Their leaves are needle-like and they are kept in the winter. Their age is hard to tell, and some are believed to range in the hundreds of years. A countermeasure for their slow reproduction, as they only bear fruit every decade for a short amount of time. These fruits are gathered by the air Shiji and different products are made out of the waxy skin and the soft inner flesh. There is little that they don’t do with it; soaps, shampoo, meals and even toys can be made out of them.

Between all of that, a tall grass grows, and the blades are extremely sharp and would be unwelcoming; luckily the Shiji are well protected with their scales and fur. Even the grass has its use and when dried it can be used to weave baskets and other objects, but they aren’t very durable and need to be replaced often.

However, there is a certain place where the trees grow a little thicker than anywhere else, and if someone would trek into its depths they would encounter another sign of something that is even more known: the temple that lies at the feet of them and simply known as the Sanctum of Fengyun. It lies down in ruins and crumbling from the passing of time and lack of upkeep done; a facade for those who know better, a relic of the past for those who don’t. It has been overgrown with the native flora found in the area, and fauna has returned there as well with the lack of Shiji passing by every day.

It’s obvious that it was once a grandiose building however, the white pillars still hint of their former glory as does the stained-glass that’s still present in some windows, although most have been broken by nature or vandals. The huge arches keep everything airy and open, as there are nearly no walls in the place, allowing the winds free-range in the structure.

Legend has it that it’s the path to where the air Shiji live and many visit it in the hopes of gaining access to the place, forced to return empty-handed for those who give up readily. There is however a well hidden path that is said to lead up into the mountains and towards their homes and is one of the easiest to take, but still perilous with countless dangers lying ahead.