Community Event: Part 1 - The missing eggs

ARPG Events 1 October 2021 - 1 October 2021
Vashaa's eggs went missing

Assemble, Shiji-Long, as I demand your attention!

Come this morning, my eggs were stolen. We need to find the culprit, this cannot stand unpunished!


Draw or write how your Shiji assembles before the great temple of Tianshu.
For artists:  It has to be full-body and coloured, matching the perspective of the scene provided. Your fullbody will be scaled down to be posted IN the picture. Provide a height of your character.
For writers: Take a look who participates and which Shiji is going to be present. You have to describe your Shiji in the crowd and how they react to the news.




Elders: Vashaa