Shiji-Long Spooky Spectacular!

Special Events 31 October 2023 - 30 November 2023

The Shiji-Long Spooky Spectacular is here!


The year nears its end and the spooky season has finally arrived! Join lots of spooky activities and earn enough Pumpkoins to buy your favourite items! Every activity listed below (labelled with pumpkins) earns you coins and you can do each multiple times. Please also feel free to share your submissions in our Halloween discord channels! We all want to see them ❤️
Happy Halloween!


🎃 Costume time! 🎃

Is your Shiji or companion ready for halloween? Show us their costume! You can either draw an outfit on your Shiji or make a collage! You can get extra pumpkoins for showing us your real life Halloween costume!


🎃 Trick or Treat! 🎃

Draw a picture or write a story about your shiji or companion Trick-Or-Treating!


🎃 Labyrinth of horror! 🎃

In the heart of Shengdao, nestled deep within the shrouded and ancient Dark Woods, there exists a labyrinth of unspeakable terror. This is no ordinary maze, but rather a malevolent creation of dark magic, concealed from the world for centuries, a place where the brave and the foolish are lured into a haunting trap.
The whispers of the Dark Woods are like eerie sirens, beckoning wanderers into their depths. Many who have ventured in search of adventure, riches, or forbidden knowledge have fallen prey to the sinister enchantment that lies beneath the dense canopy. It is said that the very trees themselves shift and mislead, the shadows morph into grotesque shapes, and the mist that clings to the forest floor is thick with the echoes of the lost souls who came before.
The labyrinth, known to the locals as "The Cursed Labyrinth of Shengdao," is an enigma wrapped in dark secrets. It is said that once you unwittingly step into the labyrinth's entrance, there is no turning back. A mysterious, invisible force transports you to the labyrinth's heart, its very core, where the realm of the real and the supernatural blur. No one can recall the way they entered, for the labyrinth's magic has the power to erase all memory of the world beyond its twisted walls.
Within the labyrinth's twisted passages, fear becomes palpable, and the boundaries of time and space blur. Torches flicker eerily, revealing grotesque carvings on the cold, stone walls - grotesque depictions of the souls who succumbed to the labyrinth's horrors. Chilled whispers of forgotten voices float through the corridors, guiding some and misleading others, but the ultimate truth remains obscured.
The labyrinth is not a static construct; its layout changes with every step taken. Those who enter find themselves in a nightmarish game of hide and seek, with shifting walls and invisible barriers that confound even the most astute navigators. Every choice they make is a gamble, for there is no knowledge of what lies beyond the next turn, and no certainty that an exit exists at all.
As time stretches into eternity within the labyrinth, so too does fear stretch into madness. Survivors, if any exist, tell tales of supernatural entities lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim those who lose hope. Frightened whispers speak of phantom footsteps echoing in the darkness, each step drawing closer to those who have become disoriented and trapped.
For those who dare to enter the Cursed Labyrinth of Shengdao, the search for an exit becomes an obsession, and the boundary between life and death blurs. It is a place where the passage of time is irrelevant, and the true horrors of the forest are concealed within the labyrinth's enigmatic and ever-changing passages. One can only hope to escape the dark woods with their sanity intact, but the price of entry is a gamble with the unknown, a wager few are willing to make. The Cursed Labyrinth of Shengdao remains an unsolved riddle, a chilling legend, and an eternal nightmare within the heart of the Dark Woods.

Choose your entry and find the way out! Maybe you will find some riches. Click on the name of the place you want to explore. Solve the labyrinth. Please only submit 1 entry per person.

   The Church                   The Castle                    The Forest                      The Circus                The Graveyard         The hag's Abode



🎃 A costume for the elders! 🎃

The cheeky shijis of Tianshu have a special trick in store: the elders need a costume for Halloween!

Give an elder of your choice a costume! You can draw a costume or make a picture collage!
Here you can find our elders: Click!



🎃 A scary Community story! 🎃

It is time for some scary stories! Go to our Discord channel to participate in a scary community Text RPG!


🎃 More Treat than Trick! 🎃

Are you making your own Halloween inspired treats and food? Show us! Take a picture and upload it here!


🎃 Scary stories to tell in the dark! 🎃

You know a scary story?
Does it have a twist at the end? Is it dark and gloomy?
Give us your best scary story in the realm of Shengdao!



🎃 Spoopy decorations! 🎃

Are you decorating your home? Or maybe your Shiji? Show us your own decorations or the ones of your character! Can be done via photo, drawing or photo collage!


🎃 Scavenger Hunt! 🎃

Find pumpkoins around the site and click them to get extra currency. There are 20 pumpkoins hidden in total! 



How to Enter

To participate, submit your entry for any activity to the 2023 Halloween Event Gallery. When submitting you will also have an option to select a prompt. You must select the prompt for the activity you are submitting in order to get your pumpkoins!
If you'd like your entry to be private, you can also use the menu to Submit -> Submit Prompt and manually choose the prompt (the name of each prompt corresponds to the titles above) instead of using the gallery.

The Event Gallery is Here: CLICK ME!