Lore Event

ARPG Events 1 September 2022 - 30 September 2022

Lore of Shengdao


Write about a topic of your choice. You need to respect the general framework, which is in brackets after the topic.
You can enter two stories. Every entry gets 25 coins. Stories have to have at least 1500 words. If you have more than
2000, you will get 10 coins as bonus.

  • The origins of Tianshu. (Elders found the city, chinesearchitecture, giant temple with a cherry tree growing from it, found after war)
  • Graveyard of the elders. (Elder graves, can be past or present, rumors or stories)
  • Conflicts. (Conflicts between the Shiji, their elders and other groups. No elder can die or be seriously harmed)

General rules: No lore breaking entries. The current lore has to be respected. No banned topics (see discord rules. You can
hint at sensitive topics though). Past tense writing. Can be a journal, myth or even diary.

Deadline is the 30th of September.

The best entries will be awarded with a new, special item.

Upload your Entry here!