Summer Water Fun

Special Events 2 August 2022 - 31 August 2022

It is summer in Shengdao and the weather gets hotter as the days go by. Thankfully, the aquatic Shijis have invited everyone to visit them at their lagoon, to enjoy the cool, refreshing waters.

There are often entire festivals in summer, celebrating the warm temperature and plentiful food in the tropical regions. While not having a real winter, the Shijis at the tropical beaches still enjoy the blazing sun in their summer. Lots of food and drink areprepared for the visitors.

There are even little tournaments held to find out who is the best at beach ball and other games.


Task: Draw or write how your Shiji Enjoys the summer time in the lagoon. Are they enjoying the food? The water? Are they playing games with other Shiji-Long?

Art: Has to be coloured with a background. The Shiji has to be at least thigh-up. Commissions are allowed.

Stories: 2000 words. The Shiji, as well as the environment has to be described.

Collabs are allowed, but it has to be double the effort. For art, 2 Shijis, for stories/Rps, 4000 words. You can rollplay, but the
requirements still have to be met for the story.


1st Place - Earn Water magic for your Shiji. Active or passive

2nd Place - Water body parts Special trait for your Shiji.

3rd Place - 300 coins

You can participate once. Each Entry gets 50 coins.

Happy participating and good luck!

Please submit your entry