Location Lore Event

ARPG Events 16 June 2022 - 13 July 2022

There are countless stories and legends in shengdao and a lot of them are bound to places. This event explores these stories.


Write a description of a location of your choice. Describe the flora, the environment and a special place that is found in that region. What it is, is your choice. A ruin? A hidden spring? a small village? the story has to be 500 words+.

Please do not change existing places or already written out lore. If you have questions, post them in the server and Vashaa will answer and post reference pictures for you.

You can write more than one entry. These entries will be used as place lore, with credits to you.


1st place - Ancient flask (subspecies item) of your choice.

2nd place- An item of your choice (250Bi)

3rd place- 150bi

Deadline is the 13th of July.

Upload your entries in the prompt linked in the event.


Miscellanous: Location lore event