
Shengdao Region inside Lifestream Delta

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

The Lifestream Delta always has and will always be known for its overflowing essence of magical energy. Many creatures hide in its nutrient rich waters, and animals and shiji alike visit to experience its mystery. It seems only the Elders know of its magical origin, and some even believe they are also unaware of its beginning. However, it matters none, as these crystal waters flow all throughout Shengdao, breathing and creating life into several unknown and hidden areas.

One of these areas, has been carved out of the Delta itself. A cliff located almost at the heart of the Delta, where its rivers branch off to hundreds of locations, glows and pulses with its inherited life. The water, behaving unnaturally, has carved several curves and angles to the steep rocks, giving shape to almost orb-like structures. The water flows down in odd patterns, continuously shaping and forming the rock to its will. The stream has given trees and moss to bloom in its wake, covering the area with slimy flora that protects the animals inside. Gaping caves with hanging foliage, as if a tooth-studded maw, stands at its top, giving a perfect balcony to the land below it. Airborne animals mainly call this home, for the Delta supplies water and food for them to thrive peacefully. Some trees have even manages to thread themselves between the rocks, gnarled and knotted bark doing everything it can to also drink from the streams flowing down.

Inside of these hallowed out caves, the water has begun to crystalize from the constantly changing temperatures. Along its sides are almost mirror-like slabs that reflect the incoming light, projecting beautiful rainbows across the flowing water and the sides of the rocks. They shimmer with the setting and rising of the sun, throwing the light over the trees and the moss living there. Small animals enjoy chasing these lights, running around as they dance across the ground. The falls of the Delta remain unchallenged and unbothered, as with so many forms of the rock, the falling of the water is quiet and soft, disturbing no plant or animal. With so much dampness, nothing except for algae and moss tend to thrive here, other than the thick trees rooted and embedded into the rocks. Birds and small bugs alike enjoy dancing through the droplets and the caves, chattering to themselves and enjoying the nature-made course of water and rock.

Any adventurous shiji would have to scale the back of the cliffs, at its peak, in order to find such a treasure. At the base of these delicate falls, lies thickly gnarled roots of trees begging to join those above it. Thorns of flower bushes block every side of its base, and despite its several runoffs, no water seems to collect at its base. It disappears back into the earth from which it came, only to resurface elsewhere in the Delta. The Stream always remains a mystery to those who are ignorant of it, and perhaps that is what nature intended