Lifestream Delta

Shengdao Region

Can be home to characters.

The Lifestream Delta is a captivating natural wonder located in the southern region of Shengdao, a stark contrast to the arid and mystical Graveyard of the Ancients in the northern-western desert. This enchanting delta is a lush, tropical paradise, known for its fertile lands and the remarkable quality of its waters, which possess a magical quality that stimulates life and growth in everything it touches.

The delta is formed by the convergence of multiple majestic rivers that flow from various corners of the southern Shengdao region. These rivers, enriched by nutrient-rich soils and bountiful rainfall, merge harmoniously in the delta's heart, creating a vast network of waterways, marshes, and wetlands.

The water in the Lifestream Delta is indeed magical, believed to be blessed by ancient spirits and infused with potent natural energy. It possesses an otherworldly clarity and a soft, azure hue that reflects the evergreen canopy of towering trees that line the delta's banks. The water is imbued with restorative properties, healing those who bathe in it and revitalizing the land itself.

As a result of the magical water, the Lifestream Delta teems with an abundance of life. The lush, tropical flora is unparalleled, with towering trees, vibrant orchids, and rare, exotic plants found nowhere else in Shengdao. The fertile soil supports thriving rice paddies, fruit orchards, and lush vegetable gardens. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of buzzing insects.

The magical watercourses are equally alive, hosting an array of aquatic creatures such as colorful fish, graceful waterfowl, and elegant water lilies. This dynamic ecosystem supports a thriving fishing industry, with fishermen harvesting the delta's bountiful aquatic treasures.


Contains the following

Shengdao Regions: Fey Swamps, Everfall