CanarenCervus Haliaeetus Arbor

Lifestock and Helpers

The Canaren (Cervus Haliaeetus Arbor), are very large creatures, measuring over two meters at shoulder height. They are a very rare species, that is living in the large forests of Shengdao. Its wood-like skin is layered in feathers, which are coated in an oily ply that keeps the animals from getting wet. The Canaren walk on four legs, with their giant antlers held high above them, where a magical seed seems to float between them. Their feet are canine like, large claws helping them to easily get through terrain.

These creatures are born from a very peculiar spring where magic is streaming out of the earth. They cannot be bred. Why these animals are born there is still a mystery, but due to that fact, they are more intelligent than other animals and are able to grow plant life around them. The Shiji-Long that have the honor to bond with one of these animals are often using them to help grow crops or regrow forests.

Canaren come in all colours of trees.