
State Magic - Passive

State Magic - Passive

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Passive state magic. Bodyparts turning into a different state. F.E. Smoke.

State Magic - Active

State Magic - Active

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Active state magic. The Shiji can turn into that state. F.E. Smoke

Elemental Magic - Passive

Elemental Magic - Passive

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Passive elemental magic. The Shiji's body parts are or are engulfed by the element. F.E. Fire.

Elemental Magic - Active

Elemental Magic - Active

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

The Shiji can conjure the elements and can control them. F.E. Fire.

Mind Magic - Passive

Mind Magic - Passive

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Passive mind magic. The Shiji can use mind related magic that only concerns him. F.E. empathy and mind reading, conjuring of images, seeing into the future, etc.

Mind Magic - Active

Mind Magic - Active

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Active mind magic. The Shiji is able to use their mind to bend reality and move things. F.E. Illusions, telekinesis.

Elemental Magic - Star

Elemental Magic - Star

Category: Magic
Species: Shiji-Long

Star Magic has both passive and active qualities, they are not exclusive. The shimmer of their fur is the passive portion, while they can also use it actively.

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