Seaside Scape

Shengdao Region inside Golden Sands Desert

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

Within the Stardance Oasis, a land notorious for its black market selling, lies mostly vast desert bordered by ocean. Along its north coast, however, lies beautiful structures built from the brutal winds and constant battering of ocean spray. Due to its hot temperatures and perilous tracks, not many venture beyond the safety of the Oasis itself. The cliffs of the mountain side hide many treasures, including a city build by nature itself.

Behind the mountains on the ocean side, lie a magnificent city, home to no creature. The winds are fierce, the rocks damp and slippery making for difficult travel. There lies nothing of value here, or so none believe. The water levels rise and fall with the tide, and chisel beautiful homes from the sides of the mountain. Platforms are constructed from these tides, held up by what appears to be thin columns of rock and marble. They stand sturdy despite all odds, creating the illusion of an abandoned city. The moisture from the water and humidity from its spray create thick clouds that make the structures hard to see from the ocean, to any sailing ships that may cross it on their way to the Oasis. They curve and dip into shapes unmade by the hands of shiji, and what look like ruins untouched by both dragon and animal. Birds tend to nest in these cliffs, but even they have difficulties finding refuge here.

As the water drips down the rocks, they carve out their own mountains, thick pyramids that slope back down into the unforgiving waters. Strangely, ramps and slopes leading up to these platforms were also created, yet another beautiful illusion of a city left to rot. The columns held steady, despite their looks, withstanding the beating of the waves and wind as they roared and shook the earth. No plants seem to grow here either, for its lack of soil and harsh temperatures. Small weeds sprout occasionally on its surface, beneath the rocks, but they do not survive long, wilting with too much water, or lack of. While the desert is hot, and water much cooler, the columns holding up these large platforms housing home-like structures appear to be made from marble and glass. Smooth to the touch and spare of blemishes, one could assume they were put there on purpose. Thick pools of water stake their claim on most of the platforms, hiding small treasures. Sea glass that become tossed by the waves, shellfish left behind by airborne predators, broken shells of those already lost. Scaling these cliffs would prove difficult for even the most brave adventurer, but not impossible. Up there they'd find nothing to greet them but the view of the ocean, and the sound of the waves violently crashing against the rocks, forever carving out their beautiful masterpiece.

The ruins themselves look shiji-made, as if those who used to reside here packed up everything on a whim and leave. No such event has happened, however, as they have always been empty, and empty they will remain until discovered by the lucky-or unlucky-adventurer.