The Tomb of the Forgotten

Shengdao Region
2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Max_Sutari

To the far north on the mainland resides a large mountain ridge that spans as far as the eye could see; a treacherous adventure for many who are severely unprepared for the journey. If anyone is prepared and brave enough to travel further northeast from the Stardance Oasis they may eventually find the valley, which is shaped much like a bowl, surrounded by snow-capped mountains and streams that feed the raging river below. Very few plants grow in this region save for the few areas that are flat. 

The mountainscape seems untouched by civilization, with nature as the ruler of the land. The overseeing hand of nature who takes what they desire and crashes it down on a whim. Shale rocks cover many surfaces and the silence is sometimes abruptly disturbed as landslides shake the earth with awesome power. Those who have visited in years past have often lost their way due to the frequency of the shifting earth and paths that were once traversable are now nothing more than a deep canyon.  

However, amongst the harshness of the land, there is one spot that has been stable for centuries. A small forest covers one side of the tallest mountain that makes up part of the bowl. If anyone actually manages to make the 2-day trip around the mountain range to reach it they will discover evidence of someone who frequents a particular area. A small stream branches off from the main river atop the mountain. The small stream winds around trees and boulders alike. In one secluded area where the water falls from several meters above there is a pile of rocks that have been moved to make what appears to be a table, with a single stone stool beside it.  

After closer inspection, a small trail can be spotted in the nearby bush, a frequently traveled path that leads to a mouth of a cave that is tucked away behind a large boulder. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary and naturally formed cave. At the back of the cave there are small slots surrounded by scorch marks, places to place a torch to light the cave entrance. Between these two slots is another opening that leads down a dark tunnel that seems to go gradually lower into the mountain. The tunnel is rather long and eventually leads to a large open cavern, within the mountain, whose walls are lined with what look to be balconies, walkways, doors and windows. It is a rather large cavern that can easily house a whole village.  

The sound of water dropping upon a slick stone surface echoes in a melodic pace. The sound travels through tunnels and caverns, giving a sound of life to a normally quiet and dreary place. When the afternoon’s sun is high in the sky and the clouds part to make way for an afternoon of light, the sun is in a perfect place to shine through the ceiling's cracks to fill the void with light. 

In light, it can be seen that the cave is rather tropical: a small little ecosystem system protected from the harsh heat and winds outside. Bugs flutter through the rays of light, taking advantage of the warmth it brings. The rather large cavern has a staircase leading down the center, with flowers and small shrubs growing on either side. The floor of the cavern is flat and irrigated, with rectangular patches of grass separated by straight channels of water that continually flow ever deeper into the depths of the cave network. Rows of various fruit-bearing trees line the patches. From above, it is completely symmetrical and gives the impression of organization and order. 

At the bottom of the staircase a brick walkway leads to a large archway, adorned with ancient symbols of a language long forgotten. The archway leads further down and the aura shifts to an ever more sinister and evil presence, the symbols on the walls seem to glow as if they are ancient incantations that were meant to ward off evil and keep trapped what lay within. The light from the cavern behind only reaches halfway into the passageway before losing to the grip of the shadows.  

The end of the pathway opens up to a smaller room, pedestals in all four corners of the room stand tall with glowing precious gems that light up the room in an eerie green glow. The corners of your eyes play tricks on you, moving shadows, just a trick of the light… right?

At the room's center stands a large cube of polished granite with what looks to be a sealed door at its front face; additional gems are placed in every corner of every side of the cube. These gems glow a crimson red, cracks running along a few of the gems - which clearly needed to be replaced soon. The water flowing from earlier echoes down the pathway and fills the room with a sound frighteningly like that of hushed whispers. The source of the evil aura emanates from the large cube at the center of the room. An evil Shiji lays dormant here, trapped from being reborn for many generations, protected by the caretakers who have long since passed over the years.  

Now only one soul remains to take care of the grounds and keep the Shiji, whose name has been forgotten, locked away. Being alone for several lifetimes, surrounded by an evil aura tends to do things to a Shiji. Perhaps there's still hope, or maybe it's already too late….