The Fallen Elder

Shengdao Region

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Sonia

At the end of a long, winding river that looks much like a Shiji known as the Fallen Elder is a mountain ridge. The ridge winds sharply, rising from the seeming impact to form a face that is intimidating to those who consider climbing its reaches. Along the base of the mountain, the world is consumed in an ethereal fog, one that rises up to curl and coil around the creatures brave enough to begin the ascension up the mountain. The fog is thick, hiding rare and precious plants that are coveted for their healing abilities. Those with the knowledge come to find these precious plants, tucked in and kept safe by the blanket of heavy fog. As the climb is made, the ground almost seems to change - once it breaks from the layer of fog there is the faintest glint from rare gems, resembling scales almost. 

The climb is full of perils, some spaces completely eroded and requiring careful attention or even flight to survive. There are unusual creatures lurking in crevices around the winding trails, some helpful, some harmful, but the rewards promised when one reaches the peak of the mountain is worth the trouble. From the ground, all looks normal, but from above the river and Mountain peaks look like an Elder wearing a crown. The peaks are marked by glorious glowing stones, a beacon from the distance. The peaks of the mountains themselves are glittered with stones so pure that they are reported to shine with every color known to the world, their mysterious materials only called ‘macrocosm’ - and while highly sought after it is almost impossible to chip them away or separate them from where they are seated in the crown. This rich material glitters and shines, reflecting any light that touches it, creating an otherworldly glow and light by those that are fortunate enough to behold it. 

The peaks of the Luminous Crown give a feeling that is almost indescribable, many report that being at the zenith of the peaks gives them a feeling of being somewhere else. Many say that their thoughts become quieter, their bodies at utter peace in the presence of the apex of the mountain. It is this feeling that drives many to climb the mountain despite the dangers of the climb itself, because the reward that is given feels like a gift from the elders themselves. Some believe that it is these pockets of macrocosm are scales from elders that fused together to create this protective sacred space at the top of the Crown. From the peak of the Crown itself, when you look down across the expansive Fallen Elder River, you can see the depth of the river that focuses mostly on the lake that forms the head. There is a whirlpool visible, deeper than the surrounding area, in a constant sort of motion that’s both visible and audible for a great distance. The swirling vortex marks the eye of the Elder itself, creating a portal to who knows where. It is surrounded by mystery and prospects for those who are adventurous enough to explore its depths, but, all those who seek to discover should be wary. While the rewards are plenty, the risks are too, and the Luminous Crown and Fallen Elder should be respected for the wild entities that they are.