Mizu no Shima

Shengdao Region inside Paradise Beach

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Kaliboo

On an island somewhere around Paradise Beach are the ruins of an ancient Shiji-Long civilization. Well, it's not just ruins - it is actually a thriving city of the Aquatic Shiji-Long. Once long ago it was an island city, shore to shore of hustle and bustle. Stone buildings to weather the tropical storms that hit the island. But as strong as the island was, it wasn't strong enough to survive the earthquake that sank half of the island. But that didn't deter the aquatic Shiji-Long, just encouraged them to adapt to life below the sea as well as above it. Despite the crumbled remains here and there, the shiji-long came together to rebuild their homes, embracing the water life and occupying the vast majority of the ruins beneath the sea.

The closer a Shiji-Long is to the inner island the more of a close knit village community vibe you will feel. Buildings and houses are typically made out of stone, but there are still some hut style homes littering the island, some islanders even prefer to sleep in hammocks tied to trees to live beneath the stars. But it is a close knit community. Everyone knows everyone and it is a rather laid back lifestyle. ‘Go with the flow’, they say. Those Aquatic Shiji who live above the sea use their water magic to make it manageable and doable. 

Tropical trees make up a vast portion of the island: palm, coconut, pineapple, papaya and banana trees. Lots of tropical flowers like the Hoya and birds of paradise that can withstand the rainy and humid months of living on the island. Orchids are the most popular to fill the island, there are several different species of this beautiful flower. 

Animals on the island vary: there are wildlife that live in the trees, like marsupials and various brightly colored birds. Ground animals can be anything from reptiles, amphibians and even felines that can thrive in a tropical setting. Of course there are animals that can be farmed, cows, pigs, and even chickens. Not all of these animals are farmed, lots of wildlife of different varieties. Lots of insects thrive in the humid temperatures, you can't make it far without seeing a butterfly of sorts.

Now to the part of the island that had sank below sea level. Over the many years, slowly the remains of what houses and buildings that sank below were integrated into a Fringing reef. These reefs grow close to the shore, thrive in shallow water, and are commonly found near the coastline. They are not very wide but can grow for kilometers along the shore. Fringing corals begin to grow from the coast and spread outwards to the sea as time passes. 

Biotic factors of coral reefs are; many species of fish, turtles, mollusks, sea snakes, sponges, and polyps. The plants are: Algae, Anemones, sea grass, and sea lilies. Living things are also the most important of all factors in a coral reef. A lot of the coral, Anemones, and seagrass latched themselves onto the houses, and fish seemed to move into the houses with the Shiji who lived beneath the sea, making the best roommates.

There is a lot of fish, crab, and even pearl farming beneath the water. The pearls can be used for trading, selling on the island or further out, closer to Paradise Beach. The island often trades and sells to Paradise Beach, there are certain things that can only be acquired by the Aquatic Shiji-Long who can swim the depths of the ocean.

Even though it's mainly full of Aquatic type beings, there are also Shiji-Long and other creatures from all over Shengdao. There is a lot of history and culture that is open for all who wish to learn it. The island embraces every being from all walks of life.