
Shengdao Region

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Winner (1st Place)
Author: 8BitBaker
Audio Recording Available Here

Shengdao has been around for many millennia, with few but the elders having been witness to its' first days. But even then - with many of the elders having perished in the great war, many secrets were lost from the world's history. It's said that not even Zhishi's records span the full breadth of Shengdao's life, with some believing she may not have even begun recording until the war had finished - when the current Elders stood victorious with their children amongst the rubble of the world they'd created together before ruthless violence crept in to overtook the land.

One such secret is hidden on a tiny, lush landmass near the tropical islands. The land is too far to swim to, only just visible from the coast of the easternmost island. If one were to step foot on its beaches, they'd find nothing particularly remarkable: the same, clean, sandy beaches that decorate the rest of the tropical region. Lush forests with tropical plants, vines, and vibrant wildlife adorn the ground beyond the sand. And even if, for some reason, you saw fit to wander through the tiny isle, you'd arrive on the other side in mere minutes, faced only with another beach and endless ocean.

No, this secret isn't one the average traveler would stumble upon. The island is one protected by an ancient magic, the source of which is lost forever to the annals of history. But to the select few with mind magic powerful enough to see through the illusory wards that cover the island, a surprise awaits.

Once the first ward is passed, you'll first discover that the "tiny landmass" is not so tiny. Its center houses a massive mountain range, its silver stone covered in moss and trees all the way to the tip of its peaks. Fear that it may be an active volcano is quickly abated because - rather than the fiery, destructive lava often seen in the Northern islands of Shengdao, pristine waters trickle down the sides of this stone. As you approach the center of the isle - passing several more wards that grow in power as you grow nearer to their source - it becomes apparent that the water itself exudes magic into the land. Streams and runoffs flow gently through the forest, carrying tropical blue, faintly glowing waters to an unknown location where they will be absorbed back into the earth and recycled back through the island to flow and feed the land in an endless cycle.

After several hours of walking, you find yourself at the base of the mountain and the land needs no magic to make the climb to its top intimidating. The mountainside is steep, slick, and treacherous. But, somewhere to your left you can feel a sort of... Calling. Other than the wards, there have been no traps and you get the impression that this land doesn't need protection via aggression. Trusting in yourself - and the magic surrounding you - you venture towards that pulling sensation.

The journey to the mountain's entrance takes another hour or so, but time seems to pass quickly in the magic of the forest. The plants are all those you recognize, but in colors and sizes impossible without the aid of the endless lifestream flowing through the land. Slowly, the forest begins to part and you reach a massive lake filled with that alluring, faintly lit liquid. At its' Northern side, attached to the mountain, is a series of thundering waterfalls. Their waters generate a mist that easily projects what should be a rainbow - but in colors you weren't even sure it was possible to see. Your mind tries to correct them to the colors you've grown up with, but it can't. The result is disorienting, but incredible.

Nestled in the center of the waterfalls is a massive stone dragon, seemingly carved directly out of the mountain itself. It's head peeks out from the water, which crashes against its neck and into a pair of oversized, outstretched paws. Its eyes are shut and its head is down tilted, as though in prayer or thought. The detail in the sculpt is so intricate that you begin to question if it's truly stone at all, but as you stand there admiring it its form never waivers.

That compelling feeling that led you hear calls you inside and you can feel somewhere deep within you that if you bypass the waterfalls, you'll be *home.* The thought of theft doesn't cross your mind as you set down your bags, strip to your lightest clothing, and wade into the water. You swim across the lake for several minutes before arriving at the falls, which appear momentarily to house only stone behind them. Not even your magic can break this illusion, but instead you trust your instinct, taking a deep breath before diving beneath the water, propelling yourself safely through the rapids formed by the riotous falls above. The stone wall offers no resistance and after only a few moments, you rise to the surface once more, finding yourself in a large, dark cavern.

On the far end of the room, there is a massive stairwell leading to an entryway that exudes a soft light - but from the water you can't make out anything else beyond that doorway.

Somehow though, you know in your heart what lays there.

As you wade out of the water and ascend the stairs, peace washes over you and as your eyes crest the floor at the top of the stairs you can see it: a forgotten city, a haven, lost to time. The cavern which houses it is nearly endless and the entire area pulsates with magic. The first thing you notice as you reach the top of the entryway is the ceiling: covered in densely packed, deeply saturated moss in a myriad of colors, it is speckled with small, glowing points of light. In the massive cavern, it's unclear if they are insects, animals, or something else entirely, but the scene they create with their gentle movement is breathtaking. It feels as though you could go the rest of your life without seeing the familiarity of "your" night sky ever again, but never would you want for its familiar light.

With no small amount of effort, you pull your eyes away from the sight and allow them to slide down to the floor of the space - except that there really is no floor to find. Instead, roads decorated with intricately carved bricks and swirling spires rise from the ground. The architecture is unlike any you've ever seen, as are the building materials. Structures of shining silver with purple and blue accents rise impossibly towards the faux sky, covered in pale, crystalline windows and lush hanging moss. Several of the tallest buildings feature clear ceilings formed of that same crystal, while others feature finely carved windows in an endless array of designs.

In places, the roads part into what seem to be green recreational areas - and although these spaces seem wholly empty, it's easy to imagine young dragons bounding through them playfully. In fact, everywhere you look it's easy to imagine the lives once lived here, to hear the sounds of this city whispering through your mind. The sensation is bittersweet, making your heart ache deeply for this home that you never knew you had. And when you touch one of the curved banisters that form an archway surrounding the entrance, you know immediately that the city longs for you as much as you long for it. It longs to live, to protect, and to thrive once more.

Shinrinyoku, you find yourself whispering. A haven created for Shiji-Long and Elders alike during the war. A safe place, where children could remain young and soulmates could grow old, free from the violent destruction of the world around them. It's not clear what happened to the city's inhabitants - perhaps the faint images in your mind are memories belonging to Shinrinyoku or perhaps they are merely its' desires. But two things are clear: that you want to stay and that you want to know. And although the city isn't bustling, there are a few warm lights shining from the shortest buildings beneath you, indicating that perhaps you aren't alone in your feelings for this lonely city.