Terra Crystal Quarry

Shengdao Region inside Golden Sands Desert

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Amarok

The Terra Crystal Quarry can be found half a day’s ride outside of Tianshu towards the desert region of Shengdao. Believed to be the remnants of an ancient lake the bowl-like canyon is an impressive sight that offered easy access to earthy resources, while limiting the impact of its collection. The quarry became renowned for the wealth of materials it provided to craftsmen and construction within Tianshu. The pale sandy walls of the quarry create an oddly beautiful view of layered colours hinting at the treasures the earth contains.   

Early in the use of the quarry the lake bed revealed an extensive cave system, adding to the already impressive trove of materials. As the cave was explored numerous ore veins were discovered drawing the attention of specialized miners and metal smiths. Precious gems were also found in the caves; rubies, diamonds, emeralds and many other jewels could be found within its depths. Jewelers and gem cutters flocked to the area eager to assess the shimmering gems. Over time the quarry transformed into a hub for crafting and trade in the area, with many craftsmen wanting to be close to their materials. Craftsmen and gatherers were able to work together to heighten their crafts and produce truly breathtaking works of art.

Over the years the craftsmen camp grew into a trading outpost and eventually evolved into a bustling marketplace of tented workshops, stores and accommodations. While lacking the luxuries of the capital the camp has all the basic amenities that anyone would need: food, drink, tools, music and anything that might spark creativity. Entertainers would often travel to the market and perform receiving exceptional crafted gifts in return.

Modeled after the marketplace found in Tianshu one could find virtually any material brought in by roving traders from across the land. The ores and gemstones of the quarry remained the mainstay of the market and its craftsmen are now complemented by sea shells, amber and other exotic materials. At this point in its history the quarry was known as the Terra Market Quarry, yet the quarry had not given up its final treasure.

Drawing the interest of an Elder intrigued by the nature of the caves uncovered a secret. In the very depths of the caves the Elder discovered a hidden section of cave filled with magic infused crystals of all types. After ensuring that the section was safe and the crystals could be removed safely the Elder allowed access to the area. The resulting gold rush of crystals triggered a surging migration of Gem-joiners, some of the most skilled craftsmen in the land. This marked the golden age of the quarry and earned it the name Terra Crystal Quarry and it produced countless gem joined creations and goods.

The quarry enjoyed many years of prosperity, but overtime the quarry’s yield declined and further use became unfeasible. The caves had been extended as much as possible without harming the earth. The craftsmen and miners were sad to say goodbye to a place that had become their home, but understood it was time to let the earth rest. This was the official reason for closing the quarry, but whispered rumors hinted at another cause….deep within the mines.

To this day the quarry remains abandoned by all but a handful of craftsmen working the clay of the lake. Much of the tented market was cleaned away completely, but a few scattered ruins remain the only reminder of the busy past.