Báigu Island

Shengdao Region inside World Portal

Can be home to characters.

2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: InklessDragon

There is a large island in front of the shore that lies close to the world portal, it is a location shrouded by many mysteries and few dare step foot on it, if they even know of its existence. It lies far enough from the mainland that only very clear days would lift the shroud of mist and reveal the outline of this island to those who look out across the sea. Some locals that know of it call it Báigu Island and only dare speak of it in hushed whispers if not altogether keep silent.

Even then there is little doubt on the why of it, if one would take a walk around the island, they would be stunned. For its desolate location and unsettling rumors: it is rather beautiful, if not living up to its unsettling name. The trees are white in bark and carry red foliage that closely resembles blood that they drop each winter and reveal the skeletal looking branches to the wind that howls across the landscape. 

However, the darker nature becomes more obvious the deeper one treks into the forest; one would quickly notice trees that are being choked up by dark vines that leach nutrients out of them, although the vines themselves carry beautiful flowers that would tempt one to touch them, if not for the fact that they spread out a sickening smell to defend themselves. Some describe it as the scent of rotting meat, while others think of other vile things that the individual in question dislikes.

Nonetheless, the flowers are described to have some medicinal properties in limited amounts to kill bacteria and viruses, too much and their fluid is very much a poison though. If one were to harvest them, they would need to wear gloves of the best quality to avoid getting poisoned. The poison acts as a hallucinant as it slowly shuts down every single organ in whomever was so foolish to touch it.

There is little way of fauna on the island, except for a species of bird that makes its nests in the very same vines that would kill anyone that touches it. They’ve become immune to the poison and even carry it themselves as they are the main pollinators for this plant and feed on the plants' nectar.

Skeletons are strewn across the ground as well, although most are old and have long been covered by a thick layer of leaves. The unfortunate victims more often than not were animals that washed ashore and attempted to eat something they shouldn’t have or who simply starved.

Deeper into the forest, if one even manages to get so far, would find a beautiful lake that seems at odds with the surrounding nature. The waters are clear and invite anyone to take a dive; fish swimming alongside and unwary of predators. If one followed the shoreline they would find a ruin in shambles, even if someone clearly made an attempt to take care of it; a fire sometimes burning into its depths and welcoming anyone to join.