Weifang's Teeth

Shengdao Region inside Golden Sands Desert
2022 Location Lore Event Winner (1st Place)
Author: Aylabug

It is common knowledge within Shengdao that the mighty rulers known as the Elders are responsible for the thriving nation that it is. They have protected both dragons and the land they stand on for longer than they can remember. While the shiji built temples and shrines to show their gratitude for their god-like protectors, nature seems to have its own thoughts in mind. The Stardance Oasis is home to many things, such as markets and ever-changing dunes, and while the temperature remains arid and dry, keeping most living beings away, it gives life to more unique happenings.

Weifang, the daughter of lightning, is known for many things. She is strong and powerful, blessing her children with elemental magic. Her temperament by those who've met her could be described as fierce, and often, unforgiving. While she is the smallest of the Elders, she makes up for her size with passion for her clan, much like the lightning that crashes down onto the earth. Within the Oasis, there is a section of rocks that rise up from the earth like jagged, hungry teeth, standing at points several feet in the air. While not an official shrine or temple to Weifang, it could be described as one.

In the desert, it is not known to rain often during the hottest days. However, because the Oasis is located so close to the ocean, the storms will often roll in from the north. Thunder roars above the Oasis, its winds carrying the sand for miles and creating new, constantly moving dunes. As if coordinated in a deadly dance, lightning crashes down onto the rock pillars, beaming into them with such a force that it is a miracle the rocks don't shatter. A terrifying light show that remains hidden, a silent tribute to Weifang. The lightning falls randomly, striking each rock pillar several times. The electricity flows through the columns and into the sand below, crystalizing the bases and creating spider-webbed patterns leading from the rock's center. The sand below has since turned to glass, anchoring the rocks into place, as if in a deadly prison. The storms last for very little time, dissipating as the dryness from the desert chases away the thick clouds, heavy with water. The rain comes down elsewhere, leaving the area untouched and unbothered.

In the center of the pillars of rock, stands the biggest one of all, completely crystallized by the falling sparks. It rises above the rest, a sparkling tower of crystallized sand and glass. It captures the light of the sun during the day and rains its light across the dunes. Lightning no longer strikes this column, perhaps in fear that it may collapse. Nature speaks in odd tongues, letting everyone know that it is still watching carefully. Perhaps she fears the fall of this mighty tower, a gift to Weifang for her service to Shengdao.

Many names could be used to describe this place, such as Weifang's Teeth. It remains hidden, however, as many would never venture this far outside of the night markets of the Stardance Oasis. Those who crossed the path of this natural phenomenon would think nothing of it, during the day, as it remains still and quiet. During the storms, however, a vicious tribute to Weifang would be captured by nature's brilliance.