The Heart of the Ice

Shengdao Region inside Frost Peaks
2022 Location Lore Event Entry
Author: Aylabug

The Frost Peaks of Shengdao are home to many unsolved mysteries. Disappearances, reappearances, strange lights and happenings. Beasts of extraordinary circumstances seem to roam their snowy hills, forever searching for something unknown to even them. However, there are secrets buried beneath those mighty rocks. The mountains have caverns, deep, cold labyrinths that twist and turn and could confuse even the most skilled spelunker.

In the center of the mountains, lies the 'heart' of the ice. Of the biggest of the mountains, a cavern carved from misplaced streams of ice melting in what little sun the peaks get every year. The cavern is massive, stretching several thousands of feet across each way. So deep in the mountain it lies, animals hardly find their way inside, let alone out. A chilled boneyard lays at its floor, creatures finding its heart but helpless to escape its icy grip. In the dead of its center, lies the most magnificent sight: a sphere of ice hovers at its core, held in place by massive ice bridges that spider-web the open space. Almost perfectly round in its shape, trapping any water that lands upon it. The mountain's heart, anyone would call it if they were to lay their eyes on it. Only the most stubborn shiji would stake their claim here, if they could find their way inside, or out to tell the tale. Large icicles from dripping water claw their way downwards from the cave ceiling, akin to a gnashing maw of a hungry monster. They are sharp and pointed, death looming ahead if one were to break off and fall. Some were even large enough to look as if small mountains were built on the ceiling of the cave. Any water dripping from them echoed loudly in the space, seemingly louder as the silence was deafening. Nothing grows inside, as no light reaches inside this cavern. Several openings gape at every corner, leading to dead-ends and exits alike. The bridges grow thicker every several hundred years, threatening to seal away the cave forever. The bones on the floor have iced over, becoming a macabre sight to anyone who might stumble upon such a happening. The bridges of ice themselves were their own sight, large enough for anyone to walk across if they were daring enough, although some appeared larger and may break if the slightest pressure were to be applied. The ice was crystal clear, only the purest water finding their way this far down into the earth. Any torch or light would surely shine light diamonds across its surface, a hidden treasure beneath the massive mountains overhead. No sound reached this far, the howling wind outside lost the further inside any brave soul got, along with the hope they may leave the place alive, and not add to the collection of bones the mountain claimed for itself.

The center of the mountain is even colder, frigid temperatures instantly freezing any water that lands on the sphere, or even the bridges. It remains unseen still, its heart hidden away expertly as nature intended. Winding caves through the mountain side, narrow tunnels with wider exits.