Brilliance Lagoon

Shengdao Region inside Paradise Beach

The Brilliance Lagoon stands as the bustling heart of coastal tribal life, serving as a vital trading nexus. Accessible solely by sea or air, it is cocooned by towering mountains, safeguarding the lagoon from external influences. Its waters, crystal clear and pristine, are not only home to aquatic Shiji-Long but also serve as the focal point for their dwellings. Adorned with treasures from the coast and sea, the huts and homes within the city are opulently decorated, reflecting the status of their inhabitants. Typically one or two stories high, these residences primarily accommodate families.

Adding to its allure, Brilliance Lagoon boasts a trading hub—a colossal market that floats serenely upon the lagoon's surface. Here, traders from far and wide converge to exchange goods, creating a vibrant tapestry of commerce and culture. The floating market buzzes with activity as vendors display their wares, from exotic spices to intricate crafts, offering a glimpse into the rich diversity of coastal life.

The tribes of Brilliance Lagoon harbor a fondness for aquatic creatures, particularly fish, often keeping them as cherished pets. Rare or exquisite specimens hold significant value and are even exchanged as a form of currency for other commodities, with the coveted Koraloi fish commanding particularly high prices.