Floating Islands

Shengdao Region

Note: Description/s for this place were provided by users as part of the 2022 Location Lore Event. 

Description by: Wallflower_Chlo

Shengdao is home to many different locations; ranging from the cold northern Frost Peaks, to the western sandy hollows of the Stardance Oasis and Graveyard of The Ancients, and the southern heat of the Tropical Islands and the Paradise Beach. Many Shiji-Long thrive in these vast areas, along with the different faunas, floras and fungi. 

But... once a Shiji-Long tilts their head upwards, they will notice that there is more to Shengdao than one had anticipated. There may be land on the grounds, but there is also land in the air! Several floating islands of all shapes and sizes can be found in the skies of the world; mostly at the outskirts of the mainland but a few floating islands can be found right over the Shiji-Long's heads!

These floating islands range just like the mainland; some will adorn snow, some will adorn sand, whilst others will have grass or water! Legend says that the floating islands that have water will sometimes cause a short rainy phenomenon, when the winds tend to pick up and push the water down the island and onto the mainland.

The heights of these floating islands range from the different locations they are found. Some can range from hundreds of feet into the air, while others are a little less than so. The higher the island, the less oxygen is provided, meaning they are not entirely habitable for Shiji-Long. The islands that aren’t too high up in the skies are more habitable for any species.

There is no known fauna on these floating islands, apart from the occasional flying type of familiars that roam in the air and love to take a quick break on them. They would either bathe in the waters, roll around in the snow or peck at the grass and snow for any type of food that could be hidden under.

The flora will depend on the floating island and its location.

For example: an island found within the tropical areas would adorn hibiscus, bromeliad, amaryllis, cyclamen, orchids, bird of paradise and more. An island up north in the snowy areas would adorn pansies, snowdrops, daffodils, winterberries, winter aconite and many more. The islands towards the deserts would adorn desert sand verbena, various desert cactuses (of various shapes and sizes), the prickly pear cactus, the desert lily, brittle bush and many more.

On these various islands, trees will vary depending on the island; bamboo trees, pine trees, maple trees, palm trees… they will be found on the island designated for those trees to live on.

The Shiji-Long are always so inspired by these floating islands… that some wish to fly up there and visit them, or even live on them!

But… no Shiji-Long currently live on these floating islands, although some rumors have begun to spread that they may become habitable after the Elders have a discussion about it. Given the islands come in various shapes and sizes, they must pick which islands are more suitable to hold a Shiji-Long or even an entire family.