Mólì Clan

Elder Clan
The Moli clan is home for the Shiji that are adept or interested in magic. Most either study languages, history, or ancient artefacts.

The Moli Clan stands as a haven for Shiji-Long who possess a deep affinity for magic and esoteric knowledge. Nestled within the library of Tianshu, their sanctuary serves as a refuge for those drawn to the mysteries of the arcane.

Members of the Moli Clan are often scholars and seekers of wisdom, their pursuits ranging from the study of ancient languages and histories to the exploration of enigmatic artifacts imbued with mystical power. Guided by their elder, Zhishi, the clan holds intellect and enlightenment in high esteem, viewing those who prioritize violence over intelligence with disdain.

Within the hallowed halls of the Moli Clan, the air hums with the energy of ancient spells and forgotten incantations. Books line the shelves, their pages filled with the accumulated wisdom of generations past, while artifacts of untold power lie hidden away, awaiting discovery by those brave enough to unlock their secrets.

In the tranquil embrace of their sanctuary, the members of the Moli Clan find solace and purpose, their minds alight with the spark of curiosity and the quest for knowledge. And under the guidance of Zhishi, they continue their pursuit of enlightenment, seeking to unravel the mysteries of the universe and harness the power of magic for the betterment of all.

Member Figures

Miscellanous: Aetheria

Elders: Zhishi