
Cai Yuan Long

These harpy-like creatures possess an awe-inspiring beauty. With their distinctive features, they stand as one of the most striking beings in the avian kingdom.

Cai Yuan Long boasts an impressive wingspan, adorned with not two, but four wings. Each wing is adorned with a splendid array of birdlike feathers, resembling the vibrant plumes of a phoenix. These feathers are not just an aesthetic marvel; they serve as both insulation and maneuvering tools, enabling them to navigate the skies with unparalleled grace. Shiji-Long can easily use these giant birds as mounts, as they are almost three times as tall as them in body-length.

Their physique is enhanced by sharp, elongated claws that speak of their predatory nature. These claws provide the Cai Yuan Long with a means to capture prey and defend against potential threats. Their piercing eyes, capable of perceiving distant details, grant them extraordinary vision, allowing them to spot prey or potential dangers from remarkable distances.

While categorized as a feral species, the Cai Yuan Long possesses an astonishing intellect that surpasses their wild nature. Within their own tightly knit communities, these creatures exhibit exceptional communication skills, utilizing a complex language of chirps and screeches. This intricate vocal repertoire enables them to convey a wide range of emotions and share vital information among their kin. They are even able to mimic and use words they learned from other species.

Family holds great importance among the Cai Yuan Long, as they form lifelong bonds with their chosen mates. They embrace the responsibility of raising their young together, forming packs consisting of a few families. This communal approach ensures the collective protection and survival of their offspring, fostering a harmonious and supportive environment within their communities.

With their unmatched aerial agility and swift flight, the Cai Yuan Long reign as the fastest flyers in Shengdao's skies. Their speed allows them to cover great distances in search of prey or explore new territories, cementing their status as supreme aerial predators.

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