
MYO Slots: Uncommon Shiji-Long #240
Owned by cookiethepup
3 years and 6 months ago
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July 2021 MYO Contest Winner: Beach Category


Muireann's love of glass started young. She saw the balls floating on the fishermen's nets, and was drawn to the shiny, in wonder about the clear bubble. When asked what it was, the fishermen just laughed and called it a breath of magic.. yes, yes it was a breath of magic, or atleast to her. Seeing her interest and enthrallment, the fisherman led her to the glass shop where they showed her the glass blowers work. Day after day, Muireann returned to watch the magic, asking questions and learned, untill finally, she asked to be their apprentice, and learn the magic that is glass blowing. The glassblower smiled, and offered her a blow pipe, ready to start the first lessons.


A master of her craft now, her main custumers are fishermen, who use her glass balls in their nets to keep them afloat, and her special balls that glow for night fishing. Besides keeping the fishermen stocked, she also spends her free time creating works of art to sell to the locals, and anyone elce who may want her wares in the local market


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