[Gift] A Reckless Promise
Yoru had just become fully aware of what his proposition to Umbriel—and the promise that followed—actually entailed. He had spoken without thinking, letting that treacherous organ beating inside his chest and the emotions Umbriel stirred within him override his reason. Now, he was gripped by the panic of a sudden realization.
What was I thinking, offering something like that to her ? Am I even capable of this ? Her safety and life will be in my paws... And what if something happens to her ? If she gets hurt, or WORSE, because of some carelessness or lack of vigilance on my part ? Her parents would never forgive me... I’ve just signed my own death warrant... Yeah... I'm just dead...
Submitted By Little_shewolf
Submitted: 1 week and 3 days ago ・
Last Updated: 1 week and 3 days ago