Conflicts of War

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These are letters addressed to the General of the Elder Coilition from a Lieutenant General. These letters were never sent.


Day 1 of the aftermath



Many of us called it the ride of what was to be the biggest battle of the war. We won. Those who opposed the righteous elders have fallen. Not that there is a cause for celebration, the war ravaged both sides, casualties are still being tallied, we have lost many and continue to do so. I've seen many battles, but nothing could have prepared me for this carnage. It was one thing to be in the midst of the battlefield, but it's a whole other nightmare in the aftermath.. There is no silence. Wails for the dead and the dying is all I hear, awake and in my sleep. I'll report in a few days, there is lots to be done here. 


Lieutenant General Ilria



Day 4 after the war


I am bone weary. Combing through the battlefield has given me a whole new appreciation for my life. At this point I have given orders to save all lives at any cost. I care not if they were on the opposing side of the war, all lives matter here. The death tally has peaked into the hundreds, I've yet to add the scores. There really is too much to do. I haven't had a moment's peace, I am lucky to have had time to write to you now. The elders have gathered together, trying to figure out where to go from here. Their decision hasn't been made. I hope they do it soon. Despite the war being won, the battle has yet to be finished. I am done for today, even now I hear my name being called for aid. I must go.


Lieutenant General Ilria



10 days after the War




We've used up all our supplies. Medicine, bandages, sutures. It's all gone. We've even had to go as far as using what clean clothes we could find to staunch wounds or tourniquet bleeds. I'm down to my last set of breeches and I must apologize for that. I should hold my status to a higher standard, but those who need it more than I do deserve a clean set of clothing. 

I had the unfortunate pleasure of going to the nearest town for supplies. This town is full of worried loved ones looking for their family who had been called to arms. I shouldn't have given my civilian clothing away so I could hide who I was. There are guards here to make sure no rebellion begins while we tend to the wounded, however it is obvious they don't want to help anyone, including their own people. There are females and children crying for their mates and fathers. Mothers and fathers asking about their children. Sisters, brothers and cousins begging for answers I don't have. 

Was this all worth it?

I am tired, nodding off as I scribble this down. Bone weary.


Lieutenant General Ilria



1 month after the War




There is a moment in time when it's calm and quiet. And that is in the dead of night. But shortly after that you hear the screams of Shiji-Long caught up in their nightmares.

I am surprised I do not have nightmares myself. There is still a lot of conflict between the Shiji-Long and creatures alike. Territory needs to be divided and given to beings. There was talk about naming Tianshu the capital of Shengdao, the small city a little north from where we are now. With that would come jobs for those who need them now that the war was won. Things seem to be looking up, however at the same time I am not holding my breath just yet, too much healing needs to be done. Half of the Shiji-Long from the war are recovering from wounds or trauma. Time is key here and the Elders need to be patient. Patience is not really a virtue of theirs. We'll have to see what happens.


Lieutenant General Ilria



3 months after the war.




I write to you with positive news. Tianshu is officially the capital of Shengdao and we are moving out! Majority of the army is well enough to make it to Tianshu where we can set up a base. You already know this since you're now leading the troops. A good chunk of the population is still recovering, but the wounds are no longer physical, just mental. Healers can not fix what they can not see.

This battlefield has been named the Elder Graveyard, many opposing Elders have fallen by the hands of their own kin.

The Elders who survived and overcame the war, came to the decision that those who opposed them may return to their sleep state, reincarnate to start over or be banished from Shengdao. I don't suppose that is good news, yet there won't be more casualties of war. We're making things work out. 

I went to a temple today that was held in a stalemate. The head priest is set in the way of our Nú Elder, not wanting to move forward into a new age. He disagreed with me on everything and had me leave when I told him I was in a different clan. Qiang is my clan although I appreciate all the different clans for different reasons. I am a believer in the Elders, and love learning about the differences in clans. They appeal to all walks of life. It is almost strange to see such differences in clans, yet when called to war, it really matters not to where you belonged, we all had similar goals in mind; to survive to live another day.

I somehow lost my point of bringing up the temple, I am a little lost in my head. I don't know what comes next for me. I plan on helping set up a base in the Capital with you. There is a nagging at the back of my head that it is almost my time to rest. I am nearing the age where I must return to my beginning state and start my life all over again. I need to go pack my tent, I believe we are due to move out within the day. I'll check in again soon. 


Lieutenant General Ilria


4 months after the war.




It has been a very busy month. There hasn't been a night that I don't collapse onto my bedroll due to the exhaustion catching up to me after a very long day. There is so much construction around Tianshu, it is exciting. Temples are being built for each Elder, like a home base. The Elders have asked that their own clan members do the building so that it makes it more special and there is a better spiritual meaning to each place. The army compound is coming along nicely, we have started on the barracks. I can admit that I am rather happy I won't have to sleep in my tent on a cot on the ground for much longer. I was offered a place to reside in for now, but I passed it up for a family in need. 

There is still some tension, riots and fights have been happening here and there, but we've been able to quell the disturbances quickly, although not quietly. The fights are usually caused by exhausted Shiji-Long, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or others taking words at face value and not actually listening to what was said.

My report is over for the day. 


Lieutenant General Ilria


5 months after the war.




I write to you with somber information. There was a large disturbance north of Tianshu. I was dispatched to check it out by Qíng, asking for a personal favor. It unnerved me, it is usually you who gives me my orders. What a strange morning.

I rode north to find two giant lakes that certainly weren't here months ago, the area had been a meadow full of flowers. I also found the cause. Laying on one of the edges of the lake was a mourning Elder. She told me she had lost two of her sons in the War, and she has been crying day and night, mourning her loss. She is inconsolable, I didn't know what to do. The magic of the Elder astounded me, I didn't think one could cry that many tears. These are no small lakes, mind you. 

Once I reported my findings to Qíng, he asked another favor of me. To take a small squadron of soldiers to those lakes and plant cherry blossom trees around the lakes. The area has been named the Twin Lakes due to her son's having been twins, it fits the area, the bodies of water are completely identical. It took us a couple of days to plant the trees, but it was rewarding when the Elder who suffered such a great loss thanked us for honoring her son's. There will be a celebration of life at the lakes to be planned, said the elders. 

But for now I must end this report.


Lieutenant General Ilria.


A couple years later.



This will be my last letter to you. I have reached the end of my life cycle and have handed in my resignation. I was awarded a medal of honor for my many years of service to Shengdao. I am a humble servant to my world. It has been nothing but amazing to watch Tianshu grow and begin to thrive as a community. I am going to take my leave for my last year and perhaps explore Shengdao before my time is up. It was an honor to serve beside you in the war and to survive. But now I must rest. Mayhaps I'll be back sooner rather than later. It will be good to see what had become of Shengdao when I reawaken. Thank you for everything.


Humble servant Ilria.



Conflicts of War
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In Lore of Shengdao - Writing event ・ Credit: Kaliboo
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Submitted By Kaliboo
Submitted: 2 years and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 2 years and 3 weeks ago

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