
MYO Slots: Ultra-Rare Shiji-Long #582
Owned by Max_Sutari
1 year and 11 months ago
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Everyone calls him Z. He is around 3 feet tall.

Name is a bit feminine. Mother named him that because she always wanted a daughter and there was no father around to give any input. He had a rough upbringing and quickly resorted to thievery to distract himself from the near overwhelming depression that plagues his mind constantly. He was caught by Horus as he tried to steal something. Horus found potential in the short lad and let him go if Z agreed to test out a few of his inventions that could help with his thieving every now and again.  He may seem rough around the edges but deep down he really cares about others. When it comes to thieving he personally targets the rich unless hired for a specific job. Outside of the dark, during the day, he spends his time watching the wildlife just outside the big city. He also likes to  occasionally napping on a bench in the middle of a trail. He's introverted but if someone talks to him he'd very easily talk their ear off.   He isn't *actively* looking for a mate, more or less because his depression has brought him to believe he's just stuck being alone, so why bother right? So if someone is going to want to be part of his life they may have to take the initiative. Ideally someone's who has a more dominant personality. Someone who has a positive outlook on life and the ability to be patient with him

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