EGG-395: Auberon's Links
Revan picked up Ezra from the street and raised him because she cannot say no to a sob story. Yes, we shared the same mother, but we have no familial connection otherwise.
Auberon is...standoffish, but whenever we needed something he could get it for us. He raised me as much as Revan did, though he'd never admit it.

Wrynn likes to keep to herself, and I have no hard feelings over the matter. We both do what we must.
I don't see my eldest brother often...We look out for eachother still--in our own ways.
Minerva is a well learned student and my assistant. What she lacks in discipline she makes up for in raw intellect, even if she insists on hiding it with her nonsense.
Auberon is my mentor in academia. The professor is extremely grouchy but...he means well, I can tell.