EGG-280: Revan's Links

Relationship Status: Family
Ma was a piece of work, but we pulled through, all of us. Our childhood wasn't pretty so I've tried to make sure Ezra's well taken care of, even though I'm away.
We had the same mom, yeah, but she wasn't really around for either of us. Revan kind of raised me since there wasn't anybody else.. I'm on my own now but I hear from her on occasion.

Relationship Status: Soulmates

Relationship Status: Parent

Relationship Status: Parent

Relationship Status: Parent

Relationship Status: Parent

Relationship Status: Parent

Relationship Status: Family
He's my much older brother, and we're estranged. I'll see him sometimes while ashore, but by no means often.
I'd like nothing to do with Revan if at all possible. The fact that we are blood related means little to me considering she spends her time pirating and pillaging.