
Baby: Ultra-Rare Shiji-Long #391
Owned by 8BitBaker
6 months and 4 days ago
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   Sale Value: 70€

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Altair was left to Vashaa's orphanage as a young child - however, he received a fair amount of attention due to his unique looks and visible star magic. As a toddler, he was scouted by a somewhat questionable organization that specialized in finding couples 'exceptional' children. That organization assisted an up-and-coming family by facilitating Altair's adoption. With the only caveat being that Altair needed to see his birth parents periodically, the adoption went through and Altair was taken to his new home. His new parents treated him well, but often reminded him of how lucky he was. He was raised to be docile and well-mannered, learning everything he needed to become an excellent head of household. They were diligent about his education and appearance, ensuring that Altair was fit and beautiful. Despite appearing as a loving/caring family on the outside - and even around Alcyone and Rigel - they kept Altair emotionally at an arm's length. He worked hard to please them in hopes of earning their love, but it never came. In truth, they merely wanted a son to act as an heir that could be married off to a better family when he became of age. 

Altair never felt at home with them or in the world they created for him. He couldn't understand why his parents had left him in someone else's care or why they let him live in a household with no love. He found his life of parties, meetings, and courting various well-to-do daughters tedious and exhausting. What he loved more than anything - and certainly far more than the politics of high society - was the world of music and storytelling. He loved poetry and took great pleasure in the snippets of ballads and sing-song tales he'd overhear when he was traveling through Tianshu. 

By the age of 13, Altair had begun sneaking out at night and shortly thereafter, he began to steal bits of silverware and other small items around the home that wouldn't be missed. He stored them up and would cash them in any time he could sneak out. Eventually he had enough money to purchase his first instrument; a ruan which he'd sneak outside to practice with on late evenings - what he struggled to understand on his own, he'd do his best to learn from watching the performances of entertainers at taverns and pubs. After a few years he had learned enough to put on short performances at the establishments he'd been visiting. Due to the late hours, there was little money to be made... But no one asked questions - and very few would remember he'd been there the next day. 

He continued to steal small trinkets with the intent of using the money to try to find a teacher - but eventually the thefts were noticed and his nursemaid, the woman who had kindly taken care of him for years and who had never said a word about his midnight disappearances, was blamed. As acknowledgement for her services, charges were not pressed, but she was fired and forced to leave the home. Wracked with guilt after having being separated from the only person he felt truly cared for him, Altair took his small stash of funds, his simplest outfit, and his ruan before headed into the night. The money was more than enough to sustain him for several months, but thankfully he didn't have to wait long to find his purpose... A few weeks later, he was approached by an old gin'yūshijin (minstrel) who recognized his talent - and was intrigued by the young man who spoke like a noble and sang like a bird. 

The man, who'd been without an protoge for many years and who'd grown lonely during that time, immediately took a liking to Altair. The two traveled together in the years that followed, with Altair learning the ways of the world and the art of performance. As the years dragged on, the man neared the end of his cycle and told Altair that he was ready to settle down. Although he enjoyed their time together, he sought a family of his own - and was content for Altair to carry on his legacy. Respecting his wishes, Altair saw him off to the village he'd chosen as a home, before heading off on his own - and promising to come visit again 'once he was famous.' 

- Dragon Eyes 
- Kirin Horn or Artifact Kirin Horn
- Star Magic 

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