music-minx's Item Logs
Magic Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 1 week ago
Sparkling Parfait (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 1 week ago
Magic Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Sparkling Parfait (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Magic Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Sparkling Parfait (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Magic Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Sparkling Parfait (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Gem Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Fresh Greens (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Gem Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Spice Sticks (×1)
Fed Familiar (Item fed to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Familiar Fetch (Familiar fetch brought by: .)
6 months and 2 weeks ago
Trade Item (×1)
Familiar Gift (Item gifted to familiar Levi belonging to Sohban.)
6 months and 2 weeks ago