
MYO Certificates Show

An MYO slot that allows you to create a new Shiji-Long using your own (or commissioned art) with all uncommon traits (common traits may also be used). Can be gifted to others. 

Aesthetic Items Show

A magical snail which allows you to change your ear trait to another trait, up to rare rarity. 

A magical gem which allows you to change your eye trait to another trait, up to rare rarity. 

A crystalline horn which will change your horns to another trait option, up to rare rarity. 

A powerful gift from the elders; this item gives your Shiji-Long a magical trait, either Active or Passive. You may choose the element and type of magic, but have to stay within existing magic lore. For more info visit the magic page.

Downgrades a normal trait of your choice to a rarity beneath the current one. Specials are excluded. You can use the Dew Drop to drop a special from your design though.

You CANNOT change traits in the same rarity with this except for COMMON traits. So you cannot use this to go from UR-> UR, or UC-> UC.

This item does not work on subspecies. For subspecies you need the Jar of Life.

A special potion for MYOs  which allows you to change one colour of your Shiji-Long. You may expand or reduce the changed color, but markings and other colors must stay the same. 

A rare geode harboring magic which changes your Shiji into a split variant. You have to use the Shiji's current traits for one side, but you can choose other traits from the same rarities on the new, split side. 

Breeding Items Show

The Zhangda fruit lets your Shiji-Long grow up instantly.
Submit this AND a sketch for your adult form in the 2. part of the "Growing up" of a baby Shiji, instead of a picture or story of your Shiji's most important moment.


A fishing rod. You need this item to perform the Fishing Game and Quest.

Familiars Show

A sparkling crystal that will hatch into a familiar with the right care. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

A softly glowing stone studded with crystals. Given the right care, it will hatch into an uncommon familiar. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

Familiar Hatching Items Show

A flower that can be used for raising familiars. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

A bit of food that can be used for raising familiars. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

A gem that can be used for raising familiars. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

A tome of knowledge that can be used for raising familiars. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

A tool that can be used for raising familiars. For instructions see Raising Familiars.

Familiar Aesthetic Items Show

An item that can be used on Familiars. It will grant it a shiny(rainbow) colour.

Familiar Supplies Show

These soft treats look good enough for a Shiji-Long to eat and smell strongly of cinnamon and peanut butter. 

A myriad of colorful herbs picked daily from the banks of the Lifestream Delta.

Best kept frozen, these treats are made with fresh strawberries and yogurt. 

The smell seems a bit off-putting, but some familiars really love it. Available in several varities of meat, mushrooms, and vegetables.

Steamed buns available in a variety of shapes and flavors. 

A variety of foods spread across an intricate serving dish. An excellent choice for pampered familiars! 

Crunchy, woody sticks rolled in warm autumnal spices. Familiars love chewing on them!

Juicy berries that sparkle as though they are filled with starlight. They taste bitter to Shiji-Long but familiars seem to love them. 

Latest Activity

Familiar Fetch (Familiar fetch brought by: .)
9 hours and 41 minutes ago
Star thing (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Kravann's Treasure Finds by Sylvirr for 65 Bi (幣).)
1 day and 17 hours ago
Food Item (×1)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Fi's Fabulous Finds by Sylvirr for 10 Bi (幣).)
3 days and 21 hours ago
Mealmat (×1)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Familiar Food Box)
3 days and 22 hours ago
Jerky (×1)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Familiar Food Box)
3 days and 22 hours ago
Cookies (×1)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Familiar Food Box)
3 days and 22 hours ago
Starberries (×1)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Familiar Food Box)
3 days and 22 hours ago
Heart Drops (×1)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Familiar Food Box)
3 days and 22 hours ago
Box Opened
3 days and 22 hours ago
Familiar Fetch (Familiar fetch brought by: .)
3 days and 22 hours ago