MYO Certificates Show
An MYO slot that allows you to create a new Shiji-Long using your own (or commissioned art) with all common traits. Can be gifted to others.
An MYO slot that allows you to create a new Shiji-Long using your own (or commissioned art) with all rare traits (uncommon and common traits may also be used). Can be gifted to others.
A special MYO slot that can only be won through events! Check the Event MYO Hatching Prompt for hatching requirements.
Aesthetic Items Show
A tiny piece of a broken star; this item adds a rare (rarity) special trait to your Shiji-Long. Traits cannot be changed using this item, they can only be added.
A crystalline horn which will change your horns to another trait option, up to rare rarity.
This item is for new Shiji-long (with MYO scrolls) which will grant it randomly chosen traits. You can choose the new colours.
Note: traits will be completely randomized, which means you may get rare or common traits. If you decide to commission or draw the new design yourself, you will receive a list of traits.
This item is ONLY for MYO scroll Shijis.
This colorful dye can changes (only) one color of your Shiji-Long's design. You can expand or reduce the amount present of the changed color, but markings and other colors must remain the same.
The tear of an Elder Dragon; it allows you to change any trait of your Shiji-Long (up to ultra-rare). Special and magic traits are not allowed.
This potion adds the special trait "Glow." Glow can be markings, colours, or specific body-parts. One potion cannot make an entire Shiji glow.
Downgrades a normal trait of your choice to a rarity beneath the current one. Specials are excluded. You can use the Dew Drop to drop a special from your design though.
You CANNOT change traits in the same rarity with this except for COMMON traits. So you cannot use this to go from UR-> UR, or UC-> UC.
This item does not work on subspecies. For subspecies you need the Jar of Life.
A magical brush which allows you to change the markings of your Shiji-Long, including their shape and colour. You may not use any unnatural markings.
The item for the special Autumn trait "Seasonal Coat".
Seasonal coat will allow your Shiji to havea coat that changes with the seasons. You choose which season their current/base colour will be. Based on that, you can design yourself 3 additional versions of their coat for the other seasons.
Rules are:
- Summer has to be the most saturated colour
- Winter has to be the most deluded/desaturated/light colour
- All colours have to be changed, even if only lightly. You can decide how big the change is. The overall color scheme should be a variation of the base colour.
- Markings have to stay the same.
- Traits do not change with the seasons.
This marking brush adds the trait "Unnatural Markings." To unnatural markings count:
- markings that are shaped like objects.
- markings that are shaped like symbols.
- Frankenstein-like markings.
- Completely parallel lines, computer and tech lines.
- Basically everything that is not occuring in nature.
Breeding Items Show
The Zhangda fruit lets your Shiji-Long grow up instantly.
Submit this AND a sketch for your adult form in the 2. part of the "Growing up" of a baby Shiji, instead of a picture or story of your Shiji's most important moment.
Familiars Show
A softly glowing stone that will hatch into a familiar with the right care. For instructions see Raising Familiars.
A sparkling crystal that will hatch into a familiar with the right care. For instructions see Raising Familiars.
A rare familiar indeed.
This item can only be obtained during certain events and is not transferrable between users.
A softly glowing stone studded with crystals. Given the right care, it will hatch into an uncommon familiar. For instructions see Raising Familiars.
Familiar Aesthetic Items Show
A special dye-bath which allows you to change your familiar's colour to a new one of your choice!