
Familiars are magical companions created by the gods to be loyal supporters of Shiji-Long. To learn more about the lore behind familiars here.

Familiar Rarities

Familiars come in four rarities: common, uncommon, rare, and seasonal (rarest). Seasonal familiars can only be acquired during special in-game events or during certain seasons/holidays. Common, Uncommon, and Rare familiars can be acquired any time. Familiar rarity changes how difficult it is to bond with the familiar as well as what items the familiar will bring back as 'gifts' once it has fully bonded with its Shiji-Long. You can view currently discovered familiars here, but please note there are hundreds of familiars and many have not been discovered yet.

How to Obtain Familiars

Click here to learn how to obtain familiars. 
Click here to visit the familiar hub, with links to various familiar-related activities including the Familiar Fortune and Familiar Shop (The Friendly Familiar).
You can use the Familiar Fortune to try to get hints about what type of familiar your chosen egg/item combination will yield. 
You can visit The Friendly Familiar to purchase familiar eggs, items, and foods.

Why both bond with Familiars?

After a character reaches the maximum bond with their familiar, the familiar will go out into Shengdao every 2-4 days and bring back a gift for the character. Generally, familiars will bring back bi, but there are rare chances for them to bring back items as well. Each rarity of familiar has a different set of items it can bring back: the rarer the familiar, the better the treasures it'll bring back for you and your character! 

The day after you reach maximum bond with a familiar, you'll see a new bar indicating that the familiar is on seeking a gift. When they are all done, you'll receive a notification and you'll be able to claim the gift from the familiar dashboard. 

But remember that familiars only bring back gifts for characters they have a maximum bond with. If you don't play with or pet the familiar periodically, its bond will decrease and you'll have to do more work to regain it's trust! 


Bonding with Familiars

Accessing Your Familiars
Start playing with your familiars by visiting your dashboard (shiji-long.com) and clicking "My... Familiars" in the menu there. 

Petting Your Familiars

Petting your familiars is a free, easy way to increase the bond between your character and familiar. After clicking on "Pet" beneath the familiar, your page will refresh and you will receive text response at the top of the screen indicating the familiar's reaction to being pet by its owner. Reactions may change based on the bond between the familiar and its owner. 

You may pet your familiar up to 6 times a day, during 4 hour windows, so make sure to come back often to pet your familiars! 

Feeding Your Familiars

You may feed your familiars once a day by clicking on the "Feed" button. You'll be prompted to select food and the food will be removed from your inventory even if your familiar does not eat it. You must select your desired food even if you only have one food item available. 

Each familiar has a favorite food that it will never turn down. The only way to discover your familiar's favorite food is by feeding it a variety of foods to find the right one! Once you find the familiar's favorite food, it'll be displayed on its card in your familiar dashboard. Feeding the familiar its favorite food will increase its bond more than feeding it other foods. 

Food can be purchased from The Friendly Familiar.

Giving Gifts to your Familiars

You may give your familiars gifts once a day as well. Familiars can only be given familiar items as gifts. 

Each familiar has gifts that they prefer to receive: it's up to you to discover their favorite gifts! Some familiars may have responses that make it challenging to tell what their favorite is... But as a hint, each familiar's favorite gift is actually currently recorded as public knowledge somewhere on the site. 

Seasonal familiars do not have favorite gifts and will provide the same reaction for all gifts. 

Familiar gifts do not yield as large of an increase in bond as food does and are not intended to be the primary method to increase bond with your familiars. Instead they are a small bonus so you have something to do with all that soggy bread the wishing well has been spitting out lately.

Playing With Your Familiars

You may play with your familiars once a day as well. Playing is free! The bond between your Shiji-Long and their familiar will increase even more if the Shiji-Long wins the game, called Dragon's Gambit. Dragon's Gambit is played like the human-realm game "Paper, Rock, Scissors, Lizard, Spock." Some familiars may be biased towards certain choices based on their personalities: it's up to you to figure out what their preferences are to increase your chances of winning! 

Sometimes your familiars may not want to play and will tell you so after you choose your result. That's okay: you'll still get some credit for trying! 



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