Fight Me
Lark has ventured far outside their mother's sphere of influence, and now resides firmly in Tianshu's "underbelly"... sort of.
Truthfully, they're pretty well off. They have no reason to complain, a place to stay, and all the meals they could want. The only rough part of their life is their job, which they find a huge amount of joy in to begin wtih. Taking their teacher's practices into reality, Lark is one of hte top fighters in the underbelly's fighting pits. They do both legal and illegal types of fighting, and have a reputation for not going down easy. For the most part, this isn't their only form of employment.. thankfully. They also work on the docks and odd, temporary jobs that usually require some kind of labor or hardwork.
Submitted By SavannahSage
Submitted: 7 months and 5 days ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months and 5 days ago