The Cursed Armor of Molten Crater

In Halloween 2023 Event Gallery ・ Submitted by Kyouki
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A crinkled old parchment rest affixed inside an old tome book. A giant expanse of pages disclosing dark Legends of ages past. It tells of a tragic story of the once luscious mountain scape of the Molten Crater. Once alive with a thick forest of trees and how it succumbed to a renowned Scale Sculptor by the name Eldrath and his accursed Armor. This is that story. 

Long ago in an ancient era forgotten by the passages of time there was a place called Livory where the Molten Crater now resides. Once an oasis of life there stood a colossal ancient tree whose thick roots reached with intertwining abundance. The shadows of craggy mountains rising like ghosts in the background, sending an ominous message to the future of this area. There at the base of one of the giant spires lived a once-respected scale sculptor. Livory was a land veiled in old magics, where tales of the Shiji Long ancients and mythical beasts whispered through the winds, and where the heart of a dormant volcano pulsed with an ominous rhythm deep within the bellows of the mountain. 

His name was Eldrath, once revered for his craftsmanship as a scale sculptor who became a pariah shrouded in whispers of dark deeds and forbidden sorcery.

Driven by a thirst for power that consumed his very soul, Eldrath delved into ancient texts and long-forgotten tomes, seeking the secrets of forging a legendary armor that could harness the fury of fire itself. Legends spoke of an Elder whose scales bore the essence of untamed elemental power, and Eldrath's ambition fixated upon harnessing the power of Weifang's scales.  

Eldrath embarked on a perilous quest, scaling treacherous peaks and braving distant lands to find the sacred scales of the fabled Elder. After months of relentless pursuit, he stumbled upon a cavern shrouded in billowing smoke and fog, a sanctum where the scales of the ancient Weifang once resided. Inside, the scattering of huge scales was discovered buried deep within the heart of labyrinthine caves. They shimmered with an ethereal glow, untouched by time, a relic of raw power just waiting to be tapped into.  Breaking down all that would be needed Eldrath then made the arduous journey back to his forge.

His heart hardened from the journey of solitude and his dark ambitions. Driven to madness by greed and a lust for power, Eldrath succumbed to the whispers of the dark energies that slowly corrupted his soul. In the secrecy of his forge, he toiled relentlessly, each strike of his hammer screaming with an unsettling resonance that echoed through the caverns. The forge blazed with an eerie light as he poured his dark desires into the molten metal, shaping the Elder Shiji scale of Weifang into a suit of cursed armor. It was named The Pyroclasm. It's surface crackled with sinister energy. The once virtuous purpose of the enchanted scale became tainted by his malevolent goals, its very core pulsing with damnation and combusting into a hellish fiery blaze set on a path to consume everything in its wake. 

As the flames danced in the forge, Eldrath's essence intertwined with the cursed armor, binding him to its fiery embrace. The scale sculptor's eyes glowed with an unholy fervor as he donned the accursed plates, feeling the power surge through his veins,  the corruption fully taking hold over his very being. Char marred his once beautiful scales, craggy crevices ripping apart his flesh and molten remnants became his new self. With a brimstone smile he cackled feeling his might and strength multiply as the final piece clicked into place. The armor, now ablaze with twisted fire magic, pulsed with an unholy vitality that mirrored the scale sculptor's corrupted soul.

Eldrath's ambition transcended the mere creation of enchanted armor. The corrupted scale sculptor was completely consumed with the insatiable hunger for conquering. Driven by his newfound power, Eldrath crafted weapons from the remaining elder scale material. His forge echoed with the tormented screams of his hammer against the molten scales, the dark anguish seeping into the weapons, transforming them into instruments of malevolence. Each blade seething with the dark energy. His desires transcended the mere mastery of the forge; now, he sought dominion over the realms themselves.

With his corrupted arsenal in hand, Eldrath began to amass an army, deceiving unsuspecting victims into wielding his cursed weapons. Those who fell under the weapons' spell were each imbued with a fraction of the corrupt energy that now consumed him. With a twisted delight, he turned them into his zombified thralls, puppets to his insidious will.

As Eldrath's army grew, chaos reigned over the once serene land. Villages crumbled, forests burned, and the very earth trembled beneath the weight of his dark dominion. The corrupted weapons turned innocent souls into mindless slaves, their eyes vacant, and their bodies driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction.

The corrupted army, equipped with Eldrath's malevolent creations, marched, Eldrath wearing Pyroclasm at the lead, leaving desolation in their wake. Villages crumbled beneath the onslaught, their inhabitants falling victim to the insidious influence of the cursed weapons. The very air became thick with the stench of decay and the acrid scent of smoldering ruins.

Eldrath's dominion spread like wildfire, the land itself seemed to rebel. Volcanic eruptions, once dormant for centuries, erupted with a furious vengeance, spewing molten fury across the ravaged landscape. The skies darkened with ash, casting a perpetual gloom over Livory.

Amidst the devastation, a pure side emerged led by the valiant Seraphina, a warrior with a heart untouched by the shadows that plagued the realm. Determined to end Eldrath's reign of terror, she faced him in a one on one battle that shook the foundations of the very world they stood upon.

The clashing of steel and the roaring flames of the Cursed Pyroclasm echoed through the desolation. Seraphina fought with unwavering courage, but Eldrath's corrupt power proved too overwhelming. With a malevolent laughter that pierced the air, Eldrath struck her down, leaving her broken and defeated.

As Seraphina lay battered on the scorched ground, Eldrath reveled in his triumph. The once vibrant land now succumbed to the encroaching darkness. The ancient tree, once a symbol of life and wisdom, withered into a skeletal husk, and the lush landscape transformed into a desolate wasteland, dominated by a volcano that spewed forth rivers of molten fury.

Evil had triumphed, and Eldrath's corrupted essence seeped into the very fabric of the realm. The air reeked of sulfur, and the once clear skies now hung heavy with ash. Eldrath, now a dark lord of unparalleled malevolence, surveyed his dominion with satisfaction.

The tale of Seraphina's defeat echoed through the desolate lands, a chilling reminder of the futility of resisting the encroaching darkness. The cursed armor, now a vessel for Eldrath's insatiable hunger for power, stood as a twisted monument to the fall of virtue.

And so, the realm lay engulfed in shadows, the echoes of Eldrath's malevolent laughter haunting the desolate landscape. Darkness reigned supreme, and the once vibrant world succumbed to the all-encompassing abyss, a testament to the triumph of evil over the feeble flicker of hope that dared to challenge it. 

The Cursed Armor of Molten Crater
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In Halloween 2023 Event Gallery ・ Credit: KyoukiContent Warning: Gore and Misery
No description provided.

Submitted By Kyouki for Halloween 2023 Scary Story Contest
Submitted: 9 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 9 months and 3 weeks ago

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[The Cursed Armor of Molten Crater by Kyouki (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** Gore and Misery](


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