A Different Kind of Treasure Hunter
Full sheet- https://i.imgur.com/Eu8NjvL.jpg
Feral with Transparent- https://i.imgur.com/oaCq4EA.png
Anthro with Transparent - https://i.imgur.com/uBnwzrh.png
Category: Treasure Hunter
Nautilus Eyes
Short Whiskers
Pit Ears
Chubby Horns
Flag Tail
Long Fur
Markings are based loosely off of two hunters- falcon and wolf! Viking based.
Tyr is a different type of treasure hunter, seeking conquest and the spoils forged from them.
He is fierce, and though his appearance is intimidating, this shiji does have a soft side when
not out seeking to fight. He is still kind, and can be incredibly tender to those who win his
heart. He is usually a shiji of little words and enjoys some of the "sillier" things in life, like
going out to tea.
He follows the way of Weifang, taking pride in his strength and relishes fighting, earning
favor into the Qiáng clan. This is not his first life, and certainly won't be his last.
Submitted By Tyr
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Submitted: 1 year and 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year and 7 months ago